Translations of Original 737736 in Administration

Prio Locale Original string Translation
af The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Afrikaans (af)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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am The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. ወደ ጣቢያዎ በገቡ ቁጥር ወደ ጣቢያዎ የሚመጣው ዳሽቦርድ የመጀመሪያው ነው ። የ WordPress መገልገያዎችዎን በሙሉ የሚያገኙበት ቦታ ነው ። እርዳታ ካስፈለጋችሁ ፣ ከመመልከያ ርእሱ በላይ ያለውን“ እገዛ” ትር ጠቅ ያድርጉ ። Details
Amharic (am)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

ወደ ጣቢያዎ በገቡ ቁጥር ወደ ጣቢያዎ የሚመጣው ዳሽቦርድ የመጀመሪያው ነው ። የ WordPress መገልገያዎችዎን በሙሉ የሚያገኙበት ቦታ ነው ። እርዳታ ካስፈለጋችሁ ፣ ከመመልከያ ርእሱ በላይ ያለውን“ እገዛ” ትር ጠቅ ያድርጉ ።

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an The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Lo escritorio ye lo primer puesto a lo qual plegarás cada vegada que accedas a lo tuyo puesto. Ye an trobarás totas las tuyas ferramientas de WordPress. Si precisas aduya, simplament fe clic en a pestanya «Aduya» que ye dencima d'o titol d'a pantalla. Details
Aragonese (an)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Lo escritorio ye lo primer puesto a lo qual plegarás cada vegada que accedas a lo tuyo puesto. Ye an trobarás totas las tuyas ferramientas de WordPress. Si precisas aduya, simplament fe clic en a pestanya «Aduya» que ye dencima d'o titol d'a pantalla.

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ar The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. لوحة التحكم هي المكان الأول الذي ستأتي إليه في كل مرة تقوم فيها بتسجيل الدخول إلى موقعك. إنه المكان الذي ستجد فيه جميع أدوات ووردبريس الخاصة بك. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة، فما عليك سوى النقر فوق علامة التبويب "تعليمات" أعلى عنوان الشاشة. Details
Arabic (ar)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

لوحة التحكم هي المكان الأول الذي ستأتي إليه في كل مرة تقوم فيها بتسجيل الدخول إلى موقعك. إنه المكان الذي ستجد فيه جميع أدوات ووردبريس الخاصة بك. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة، فما عليك سوى النقر فوق علامة التبويب "تعليمات" أعلى عنوان الشاشة.

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as The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. ডেশ্বব’ৰ্ড হৈছে সেইটো ঠাই য’লৈকে আপুনি প্ৰতিবাৰেই আপোনাৰ ছাইটত লগিন কৰিলে প্ৰথম আহিব। ইয়াতেই আপুনি আপোনাৰ আটাইবোৰ WordPress-ৰ সঁজুলি পাব। আপোনাক সহায় লাগিলে মাথোঁ স্ক্ৰীণৰ শীৰ্ষকৰ ওপৰত থকা “সহায়” টেবত ক্লিক কৰি দিব। Details
Assamese (as)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

ডেশ্বব’ৰ্ড হৈছে সেইটো ঠাই য’লৈকে আপুনি প্ৰতিবাৰেই আপোনাৰ ছাইটত লগিন কৰিলে প্ৰথম আহিব। ইয়াতেই আপুনি আপোনাৰ আটাইবোৰ WordPress-ৰ সঁজুলি পাব। আপোনাক সহায় লাগিলে মাথোঁ স্ক্ৰীণৰ শীৰ্ষকৰ ওপৰত থকা “সহায়” টেবত ক্লিক কৰি দিব।

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ast The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Asturian (ast)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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az The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Azerbaijani (az)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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bal The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Catalan (Balear) (bal)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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bel The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Belarusian (bel)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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bg The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Таблото е първото място, което виждате, когато влезете в сайта си. В него ще намерите всички WordPress инструменти. Ако имате нужда от помощ, натиснете бутона "Помощ" горе, вдясно, над заглавието на екрана. Details
Bulgarian (bg)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Таблото е първото място, което виждате, когато влезете в сайта си. В него ще намерите всички WordPress инструменти. Ако имате нужда от помощ, натиснете бутона "Помощ" горе, вдясно, над заглавието на екрана.

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bn The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. ড্যাশবোর্ড হল প্রথম স্থান যেখানে আপনি প্রতিবার আপনার সাইটে লগ ইন করার পর আসবেন। এটি যেখানে আপনি আপনার সমস্ত ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস টুলগুলি পাবেন। আপনার যদি সাহায্যের প্রয়োজন হয়, শুধু পর্দার শিরোনামের উপরে ট্যাব “সহায়তা” ক্লিক করুন । Details
Bengali (bn)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

ড্যাশবোর্ড হল প্রথম স্থান যেখানে আপনি প্রতিবার আপনার সাইটে লগ ইন করার পর আসবেন। এটি যেখানে আপনি আপনার সমস্ত ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস টুলগুলি পাবেন। আপনার যদি সাহায্যের প্রয়োজন হয়, শুধু পর্দার শিরোনামের উপরে ট্যাব “সহায়তা” ক্লিক করুন ।

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bo The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tibetan (bo)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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br The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Breton (br)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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bs The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Bosnian (bs)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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ca The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. El tauler es el primer lloc al qual arribareu cada vegada que inicieu sessió al lloc. És on trobareu totes les eines del WordPress. Si necessiteu ajuda, feu clic a la pestanya d'ajuda que està a la pestanya de la part superior del títol de pantalla. Details
Catalan (ca)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

El tauler es el primer lloc al qual arribareu cada vegada que inicieu sessió al lloc. És on trobareu totes les eines del WordPress. Si necessiteu ajuda, feu clic a la pestanya d'ajuda que està a la pestanya de la part superior del títol de pantalla.

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ckb The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. داشبۆردەکە یەکەمین شوێنە کە بۆی دێیت هەموو جارێک کە دێیتەژوورەوە بۆ ماڵپەڕەکەت، ئەو شوێنەیە کە دەتوانیت هەموو ئامڕازەکانی وۆردپرێسی تێدا بدۆزیتەوە. ئەگەر پێویستت بە یارمەتیی هەبوو، کرتە بکە لە سەرخشتەی یارمەتی لە سەروو ناونیشانی پەردەکە. Details
Kurdish (Sorani) (ckb)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

داشبۆردەکە یەکەمین شوێنە کە بۆی دێیت هەموو جارێک کە دێیتەژوورەوە بۆ ماڵپەڕەکەت، ئەو شوێنەیە کە دەتوانیت هەموو ئامڕازەکانی وۆردپرێسی تێدا بدۆزیتەوە. ئەگەر پێویستت بە یارمەتیی هەبوو، کرتە بکە لە سەرخشتەی یارمەتی لە سەروو ناونیشانی پەردەکە.

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cs The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Nástěnka je první místo, kam se dostanete pokaždé, když se přihlásíte na svůj web. Zde najdete všechny své nástroje WordPress. Pokud potřebujete pomoc, stačí kliknout na “Nápověda” nad názvem obrazovky. Details
Czech (cs)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Nástěnka je první místo, kam se dostanete pokaždé, když se přihlásíte na svůj web. Zde najdete všechny své nástroje WordPress. Pokud potřebujete pomoc, stačí kliknout na “Nápověda” nad názvem obrazovky.

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cv The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chuvash (cv)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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cy The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Y Bwrdd Rheoli yw'r lle cyntaf y byddwch chi'n dod iddo bob tro y byddwch chi'n mewngofnodi i'ch gwefan. Dyma lle byddwch chi'n gweld eich holl offer WordPress. Os oes angen cymorth arnoch, cliciwch y tab “Cymorth” uwchben teitl y sgrin. Details
Welsh (cy)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Y Bwrdd Rheoli yw'r lle cyntaf y byddwch chi'n dod iddo bob tro y byddwch chi'n mewngofnodi i'ch gwefan. Dyma lle byddwch chi'n gweld eich holl offer WordPress. Os oes angen cymorth arnoch, cliciwch y tab “Cymorth” uwchben teitl y sgrin.

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da The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Kontrolpanelet er det første sted, du kommer til, hver gang du logger ind på dit websted. Det er her, du finder alle dine WordPress-værktøjer. Hvis du har brug for hjælp, skal du blot klikke på fanen "Hjælp" over skærmtitlen. Details
Danish (da)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Kontrolpanelet er det første sted, du kommer til, hver gang du logger ind på dit websted. Det er her, du finder alle dine WordPress-værktøjer. Hvis du har brug for hjælp, skal du blot klikke på fanen "Hjælp" over skærmtitlen.

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de The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Das Dashboard ist die erste Anlaufstelle, wenn du dich an deiner Website anmeldest. Du findest dort all deine WordPress-Werkzeuge. Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, klick einfach auf den “Hilfe”-Tab über dem Bildschirm-Titel. Details
German (de)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Das Dashboard ist die erste Anlaufstelle, wenn du dich an deiner Website anmeldest. Du findest dort all deine WordPress-Werkzeuge. Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, klick einfach auf den “Hilfe”-Tab über dem Bildschirm-Titel.

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de (formal) The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Das Dashboard ist die erste Anlaufstelle, wenn Sie sich an Ihrer Website anmelden. Sie finden dort all Ihre WordPress-Werkzeuge. Wenn Sie Hilfe brauchen, klicken Sie einfach auf den “Hilfe”-Tab über dem Bildschirm-Titel. Details
German (Formal) (de)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Das Dashboard ist die erste Anlaufstelle, wenn Sie sich an Ihrer Website anmelden. Sie finden dort all Ihre WordPress-Werkzeuge. Wenn Sie Hilfe brauchen, klicken Sie einfach auf den “Hilfe”-Tab über dem Bildschirm-Titel.

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dv The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Dhivehi (dv)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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el The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Η διαχείριση είναι το πρώτο σημείο που θα έρχεστε κάθε φορά που συνδέεστε στον ιστότοπο σας. Είναι το σημείο που θα βρείτε όλα τα εργαλεία του WordPress. Αν χρειάζεστε βοήθεια, απλώς κάντε κλικ “Βοήθεια” στην καρτέλα πάνω από τον τίτλο της οθόνης. Details
Greek (el)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Η διαχείριση είναι το πρώτο σημείο που θα έρχεστε κάθε φορά που συνδέεστε στον ιστότοπο σας. Είναι το σημείο που θα βρείτε όλα τα εργαλεία του WordPress. Αν χρειάζεστε βοήθεια, απλώς κάντε κλικ “Βοήθεια” στην καρτέλα πάνω από τον τίτλο της οθόνης.

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el-po The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Polytonic Greek (el-po)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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en-gb The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. The dashboard is the first place you will come to, every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Details
English (UK) (en-gb)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The dashboard is the first place you will come to, every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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eo The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. La Panelo estas la unua loko, al kiu vi venos ĉiufoje kiam vi ensalutas vian retejon. Ĝi estas kie vi trovos ĉiujn viajn WordPress-ilojn. Se vi bezonas helpon, simple alklaku la langeton "Helpo" super la ekrantitolo. Details
Esperanto (eo)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

La Panelo estas la unua loko, al kiu vi venos ĉiufoje kiam vi ensalutas vian retejon. Ĝi estas kie vi trovos ĉiujn viajn WordPress-ilojn. Se vi bezonas helpon, simple alklaku la langeton "Helpo" super la ekrantitolo.

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es The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. El escritorio es el primer lugar al que llegarás cada vez que accedas a tu sitio. Es donde encontrarás todas tus herramientas de WordPress. Si necesitas ayuda, simplemente haz clic en la pestaña «Ayuda» que está encima del título de la pantalla. Details
Spanish (es)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

El escritorio es el primer lugar al que llegarás cada vez que accedas a tu sitio. Es donde encontrarás todas tus herramientas de WordPress. Si necesitas ayuda, simplemente haz clic en la pestaña «Ayuda» que está encima del título de la pantalla.

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es-cl The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. El escritorio es el primer lugar al que llegarás cada vez que accedas a tu sitio. Es donde encontrarás todas tus herramientas de WordPress. Si necesitas ayuda, simplemente haz clic en la pestaña «Ayuda» que está encima del título de la pantalla. Details
Spanish (Chile) (es-cl)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

El escritorio es el primer lugar al que llegarás cada vez que accedas a tu sitio. Es donde encontrarás todas tus herramientas de WordPress. Si necesitas ayuda, simplemente haz clic en la pestaña «Ayuda» que está encima del título de la pantalla.

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es-mx The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. El escritorio es el primer lugar al que llegarás cada vez que accedas a tu sitio. Es donde encontrarás todas tus herramientas de WordPress. Si necesitas ayuda, simplemente haz clic en la pestaña "Ayuda" que está encima del título de la pantalla. Details
Spanish (Mexico) (es-mx)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

El escritorio es el primer lugar al que llegarás cada vez que accedas a tu sitio. Es donde encontrarás todas tus herramientas de WordPress. Si necesitas ayuda, simplemente haz clic en la pestaña "Ayuda" que está encima del título de la pantalla.

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es-pr The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Spanish (Puerto Rico) (es-pr)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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et The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Töölaud on koht, kuhu satud peale igat enda veebisaidile sisselogimist. Siit leiad kõik WordPressi töövahendid. Abiinfo saamiseks klõpsa Abi sakile ekraani ülaservas. Details
Estonian (et)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Töölaud on koht, kuhu satud peale igat enda veebisaidile sisselogimist. Siit leiad kõik WordPressi töövahendid. Abiinfo saamiseks klõpsa Abi sakile ekraani ülaservas.

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eu The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Arbela, zure gunean saioa hasten duzun bakoitzean sartuko zaren lehen tokia izango da. Hor aurkituko dituzu WordPress-en tresna guztiak. Laguntza behar izanez gero, egin klik “Laguntza” fitxan, pantailaren izenburuaren gainean. Details
Basque (eu)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Arbela, zure gunean saioa hasten duzun bakoitzean sartuko zaren lehen tokia izango da. Hor aurkituko dituzu WordPress-en tresna guztiak. Laguntza behar izanez gero, egin klik “Laguntza” fitxan, pantailaren izenburuaren gainean.

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fa The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. پیشخوان اولین جایی است که هر بار که وارد سایت خود می‌شوید به آن می‌آیید. اینجا جایی است که همهٔ ابزارهای وردپرس خود را پیدا خواهید کرد. اگر به کمک نیاز دارید، فقط روی زبانه "کمک" در بالای عنوان صفحه کلیک کنید. Details
Persian (fa)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

پیشخوان اولین جایی است که هر بار که وارد سایت خود می‌شوید به آن می‌آیید. اینجا جایی است که همهٔ ابزارهای وردپرس خود را پیدا خواهید کرد. اگر به کمک نیاز دارید، فقط روی زبانه "کمک" در بالای عنوان صفحه کلیک کنید.

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fi The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Ohjauspaneeli on ensimmäinen paikka, johon saavut aina kirjauduttua sivustollesi. Löydät sieltä kaikki WordPress-työkalusi. Jos kaipaat apua, napsauta Ohje-välilehteä näkymän otsikon yläpuolelta. Details
Finnish (fi)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Ohjauspaneeli on ensimmäinen paikka, johon saavut aina kirjauduttua sivustollesi. Löydät sieltä kaikki WordPress-työkalusi. Jos kaipaat apua, napsauta Ohje-välilehteä näkymän otsikon yläpuolelta.

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fo The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Faroese (fo)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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fr The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Le Tableau de bord est le premier endroit sur lequel vous arrivez à chaque fois que vous vous connectez à votre site. C’est là que vous trouverez tous vos outils WordPress. Si vous avez besoin d’aide, cliquez simplement sur l’onglet « Aide » au dessus du titre de l’écran. Details
French (fr)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Le Tableau de bord est le premier endroit sur lequel vous arrivez à chaque fois que vous vous connectez à votre site. C’est là que vous trouverez tous vos outils WordPress. Si vous avez besoin d’aide, cliquez simplement sur l’onglet « Aide » au dessus du titre de l’écran.

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fr-be The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Le Tableau de bord est le premier endroit sur lequel vous arrivez à chaque fois que vous vous connectez à votre site. C’est là que vous trouverez tous vos outils WordPress. Si vous avez besoin d’aide, cliquez simplement sur l’onglet « Aide » au dessus du titre de l’écran. Details
French (Belgium) (fr-be)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Le Tableau de bord est le premier endroit sur lequel vous arrivez à chaque fois que vous vous connectez à votre site. C’est là que vous trouverez tous vos outils WordPress. Si vous avez besoin d’aide, cliquez simplement sur l’onglet « Aide » au dessus du titre de l’écran.

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fr-ca The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Le Tableau de bord est le premier endroit sur lequel vous arrivez à chaque fois que vous vous connectez à votre site. C’est là que vous trouverez tous vos outils WordPress. Si vous avez besoin d’aide, cliquez simplement sur l’onglet « Aide » au dessus du titre de l’écran. Details
French (Canada) (fr-ca)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Le Tableau de bord est le premier endroit sur lequel vous arrivez à chaque fois que vous vous connectez à votre site. C’est là que vous trouverez tous vos outils WordPress. Si vous avez besoin d’aide, cliquez simplement sur l’onglet « Aide » au dessus du titre de l’écran.

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fr-ch The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
French (Switzerland) (fr-ch)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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ga The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Irish (ga)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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gd The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Scottish Gaelic (gd)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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gl The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. O Escritorio é o primeiro lugar ao que chegará cada vez que inicie sesión no seu sitio. É onde atoparás todas as túas ferramentas de WordPress. Se necesita axuda, simplemente faga clic en “Axuda” pestana encima do título da pantalla. Details
Galician (gl)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

O Escritorio é o primeiro lugar ao que chegará cada vez que inicie sesión no seu sitio. É onde atoparás todas as túas ferramentas de WordPress. Se necesita axuda, simplemente faga clic en “Axuda” pestana encima do título da pantalla.

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gu The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. ડેશબોર્ડ એ પ્રથમ સ્થાન છે જ્યાં તમે દર વખતે તમારી સાઇટ પર લૉગ ઇન કરશો. તે તે છે જ્યાં તમને તમારા બધા વર્ડપ્રેસ ટૂલ્સ મળશે. જો તમને મદદની જરૂર હોય, તો ફક્ત “સહાય” સ્ક્રીન શીર્ષક ઉપર ટેબ. Details
Gujarati (gu)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

ડેશબોર્ડ એ પ્રથમ સ્થાન છે જ્યાં તમે દર વખતે તમારી સાઇટ પર લૉગ ઇન કરશો. તે તે છે જ્યાં તમને તમારા બધા વર્ડપ્રેસ ટૂલ્સ મળશે. જો તમને મદદની જરૂર હોય, તો ફક્ત “સહાય” સ્ક્રીન શીર્ષક ઉપર ટેબ.

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he The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Hebrew (he)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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hi The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Hindi (hi)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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hr The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Nadzorna ploča je prvo mjesto na koje ćete doći svaki put kada se prijavite na svoju web-stranicu. Tu ćete pronaći sve svoje WordPress alate. Ako trebate pomoć, samo kliknite na “Pomoć” karticu iznad naslova zaslona. Details
Croatian (hr)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Nadzorna ploča je prvo mjesto na koje ćete doći svaki put kada se prijavite na svoju web-stranicu. Tu ćete pronaći sve svoje WordPress alate. Ako trebate pomoć, samo kliknite na “Pomoć” karticu iznad naslova zaslona.

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hu The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Hungarian (hu)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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hy The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Armenian (hy)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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id The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Dasbor adalah tempat pertama yang akan Anda kunjungi setiap kali Anda login ke situs Anda. Di sinilah Anda akan menemukan semua peralatan WordPress Anda. Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, klik saja “Bantuan” tab di atas judul layar. Details
Indonesian (id)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Dasbor adalah tempat pertama yang akan Anda kunjungi setiap kali Anda login ke situs Anda. Di sinilah Anda akan menemukan semua peralatan WordPress Anda. Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, klik saja “Bantuan” tab di atas judul layar.

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is The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Icelandic (is)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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it The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. La Bacheca è il primo posto in cui verrai ogni volta che accedi al tuo sito. È dove troverai tutti i tuoi strumenti WordPress. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, fai clic sul pulsante “Aiuto” scheda sopra il titolo della schermata. Details
Italian (it)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

La Bacheca è il primo posto in cui verrai ogni volta che accedi al tuo sito. È dove troverai tutti i tuoi strumenti WordPress. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, fai clic sul pulsante “Aiuto” scheda sopra il titolo della schermata.

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ja The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. ダッシュボードは、サイトにログインするたびに最初に表示される場所です。ここには、WordPress のすべてのツールがあります。ヘルプが必要な場合は、画面タイトルの上にある “ヘルプ” タブをクリックしてください。 Details
Japanese (ja)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

ダッシュボードは、サイトにログインするたびに最初に表示される場所です。ここには、WordPress のすべてのツールがあります。ヘルプが必要な場合は、画面タイトルの上にある “ヘルプ” タブをクリックしてください。

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jv The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Javanese (jv)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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ka The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. კონსოლი არის პირველი ადგილი, სადაც მოხვდებით ყოველ ჯერზე, როდესაც შეხვალთ თქვენს საიტზე. ეს არის სადაც თქვენ იპოვით ყველა თქვენს WordPress ინსტრუმენტს. თუ დახმარება გჭირდებათ, უბრალოდ დააწკაპუნეთ “დახმარება” ჩანართი ეკრანის სათაურის ზემოთ. Details
Georgian (ka)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

კონსოლი არის პირველი ადგილი, სადაც მოხვდებით ყოველ ჯერზე, როდესაც შეხვალთ თქვენს საიტზე. ეს არის სადაც თქვენ იპოვით ყველა თქვენს WordPress ინსტრუმენტს. თუ დახმარება გჭირდებათ, უბრალოდ დააწკაპუნეთ “დახმარება” ჩანართი ეკრანის სათაურის ზემოთ.

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kab The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kabyle (kab)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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kir The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Консол - бул сиздин сайтка кирген сайын бара турган биринчи барак. Бул жерде сиз бардык WordPress куралдарын таба аласыз. Эгер сизге жардам керек болсо, жөн гана экрандын аталышынын үстүндөгү "Жардам" өтмөгүн басыңыз. Details
Kirghiz (kir)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Консол - бул сиздин сайтка кирген сайын бара турган биринчи барак. Бул жерде сиз бардык WordPress куралдарын таба аласыз. Эгер сизге жардам керек болсо, жөн гана экрандын аталышынын үстүндөгү "Жардам" өтмөгүн басыңыз.

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kk The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kazakh (kk)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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km The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Khmer (km)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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kmr The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kurdish (Kurmanji) (kmr)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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kn The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸೈಟ್‌ಗೆ ನೀವು ಲಾಗ್ ಇನ್ ಮಾಡಿದಾಗಲೆಲ್ಲಾ ನೀವು ಬರುವ ಮೊದಲ ಸ್ಥಳವೆಂದರೆ ಡ್ಯಾಶ್‌ಬೋರ್ಡ್. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ವರ್ಡ್ಪ್ರೆಸ್ ಪರಿಕರಗಳನ್ನು ನೀವು ಅಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಬಹುದು. ನಿಮಗೆ ಸಹಾಯ ಬೇಕಾದರೆ, ಪರದೆಯ ಶೀರ್ಷಿಕೆಯ ಮೇಲಿರುವ 'ಸಹಾಯ' ಟ್ಯಾಬ್ ಅನ್ನು ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ. Details
Kannada (kn)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸೈಟ್‌ಗೆ ನೀವು ಲಾಗ್ ಇನ್ ಮಾಡಿದಾಗಲೆಲ್ಲಾ ನೀವು ಬರುವ ಮೊದಲ ಸ್ಥಳವೆಂದರೆ ಡ್ಯಾಶ್‌ಬೋರ್ಡ್. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ವರ್ಡ್ಪ್ರೆಸ್ ಪರಿಕರಗಳನ್ನು ನೀವು ಅಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಬಹುದು. ನಿಮಗೆ ಸಹಾಯ ಬೇಕಾದರೆ, ಪರದೆಯ ಶೀರ್ಷಿಕೆಯ ಮೇಲಿರುವ 'ಸಹಾಯ' ಟ್ಯಾಬ್ ಅನ್ನು ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ.

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ko The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. 관리자 화면은 사이트에 로그인 할 때마다 방문하게 되는 첫 번째 장소입니다. 워드프레스 도구의 모든 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 도움이 필요하면 화면 제목 위에 있는 “도움말” 탭을 클릭하세요. Details
Korean (ko)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

관리자 화면은 사이트에 로그인 할 때마다 방문하게 되는 첫 번째 장소입니다. 워드프레스 도구의 모든 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 도움이 필요하면 화면 제목 위에 있는 “도움말” 탭을 클릭하세요.

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lo The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Lao (lo)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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lt The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Skydelis yra pirmoji vieta, į kurią pateksite kiekvieną kartą prisijungę prie savo tinklalapio. Čia rasite visus WordPress nustatymus ir įrankius. Jei reikia pagalbos, tiesiog spustelėkite virš ekrano pavadinimo esantį skirtuką “Pagalba”. Details
Lithuanian (lt)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Skydelis yra pirmoji vieta, į kurią pateksite kiekvieną kartą prisijungę prie savo tinklalapio. Čia rasite visus WordPress nustatymus ir įrankius. Jei reikia pagalbos, tiesiog spustelėkite virš ekrano pavadinimo esantį skirtuką “Pagalba”.

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lv The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Informācijas panelis ir pirmā vieta, kur jūs nonāksit ikreiz, kad piesakāties savā vietnē. Šeit jūs atradīsiet visus savus WordPress rīkus. Ja jums nepieciešama palīdzība, vienkārši noklikšķiniet uz “Palīdzība” cilni virs ekrāna nosaukuma. Details
Latvian (lv)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Informācijas panelis ir pirmā vieta, kur jūs nonāksit ikreiz, kad piesakāties savā vietnē. Šeit jūs atradīsiet visus savus WordPress rīkus. Ja jums nepieciešama palīdzība, vienkārši noklikšķiniet uz “Palīdzība” cilni virs ekrāna nosaukuma.

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me The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Montenegrin (me)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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mhr The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mari (Meadow) (mhr)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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mk The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Контролната табла е првото место на кое ќе доаѓате секогаш кога ќе се најавите на вашата страница. Тоа е местото каде што ќе ги најдете сите ваши алатки на WordPress. Ако ви треба помош, само кликнете на јазичето „Помош“ над насловот на екранот. Details
Macedonian (mk)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Контролната табла е првото место на кое ќе доаѓате секогаш кога ќе се најавите на вашата страница. Тоа е местото каде што ќе ги најдете сите ваши алатки на WordPress. Ако ви треба помош, само кликнете на јазичето „Помош“ над насловот на екранот.

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ml The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Malayalam (ml)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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mn The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Хяналтын самбар нь таныг сайт руугаа нэвтрэх бүртээ хамгийн түрүүнд очих газар юм. Эндээс та өөрийн бүх WordPress хэрэгслийг олох болно. Хэрэв танд тусламж хэрэгтэй бол дэлгэцийн гарчгийн дээрх "Тусламж" дээр дарна уу. Details
Mongolian (mn)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Хяналтын самбар нь таныг сайт руугаа нэвтрэх бүртээ хамгийн түрүүнд очих газар юм. Эндээс та өөрийн бүх WordPress хэрэгслийг олох болно. Хэрэв танд тусламж хэрэгтэй бол дэлгэцийн гарчгийн дээрх "Тусламж" дээр дарна уу.

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mr The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. डॅशबोर्ड ही पहिली जागा आहे ज्यावर तुम्ही प्रत्येकदा तुमच्या साइटवर लॉग इन करता येईल. ती तुमच्या सर्व WordPress उपकरणे आणणारी ठिकाण आहे. जर तुम्हाला मदत हवी असेल तर, स्क्रीनच्या शीर्षकावरील "मदत" टॅब दाबा. Details
Marathi (mr)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

डॅशबोर्ड ही पहिली जागा आहे ज्यावर तुम्ही प्रत्येकदा तुमच्या साइटवर लॉग इन करता येईल. ती तुमच्या सर्व WordPress उपकरणे आणणारी ठिकाण आहे. जर तुम्हाला मदत हवी असेल तर, स्क्रीनच्या शीर्षकावरील "मदत" टॅब दाबा.

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mrj The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mari (Hill) (mrj)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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ms The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Malay (ms)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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mwl The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mirandese (mwl)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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mya The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Burmese (mya)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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ne The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. ड्यासबोर्ड पहिलो स्थान हो जहाँ तपाईं प्रत्येक पटक आफ्नो साइटमा लग इन गर्नुहुनेछ। यहाँ तपाईले तपाईको सबै वर्डप्रेस उपकरणहरू पाउनुहुनेछ। यदि तपाईंलाई मद्दत चाहिन्छ भने, केवल “मद्दत” स्क्रिनको शीर्षक माथि ट्याब गर्नुहोस्। Details
Nepali (ne)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

ड्यासबोर्ड पहिलो स्थान हो जहाँ तपाईं प्रत्येक पटक आफ्नो साइटमा लग इन गर्नुहुनेछ। यहाँ तपाईले तपाईको सबै वर्डप्रेस उपकरणहरू पाउनुहुनेछ। यदि तपाईंलाई मद्दत चाहिन्छ भने, केवल “मद्दत” स्क्रिनको शीर्षक माथि ट्याब गर्नुहोस्।

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nl The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Het dashboard is de eerste plaats waar je zult komen elke keer dat je inlogt op je site. Het is waar je al je WordPress gereedschappen zult vinden. Als je hulp nodig hebt, klik je op het tabblad “Help” boven de schermtitel. Details
Dutch (nl)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Het dashboard is de eerste plaats waar je zult komen elke keer dat je inlogt op je site. Het is waar je al je WordPress gereedschappen zult vinden. Als je hulp nodig hebt, klik je op het tabblad “Help” boven de schermtitel.

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nn The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Norwegian Nynorsk (nn)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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no The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Norwegian (bokmål) (no)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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oci The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Lo tablèu es lo primièr luòc ont arribaretz cada còp que vos connectatz al site. Es ont traparetz totes los espleches de WordPress. Se necessitatz d'ajuda, clicatz sus l'onglet Ajuda que se tròba dins l'onglet superior del títol d'ecran. Details
Occitan (oci)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Lo tablèu es lo primièr luòc ont arribaretz cada còp que vos connectatz al site. Es ont traparetz totes los espleches de WordPress. Se necessitatz d'ajuda, clicatz sus l'onglet Ajuda que se tròba dins l'onglet superior del títol d'ecran.

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orm The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Oromo (orm)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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pa The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Punjabi (pa)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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pl The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Kokpit jet pierwszym miejscem, do którego trafisz za każdym razem po zalogowaniu się do swojej witryny. Znajdują się tutaj wszystkie narzędzia WordPressa. Jeśli potrzeba pomocy, po proszę kliknąć w zakładkę „Pomoc” nad tytułem ekranu. Details
Polish (pl)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Kokpit jet pierwszym miejscem, do którego trafisz za każdym razem po zalogowaniu się do swojej witryny. Znajdują się tutaj wszystkie narzędzia WordPressa. Jeśli potrzeba pomocy, po proszę kliknąć w zakładkę „Pomoc” nad tytułem ekranu.

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ps The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Pashto (ps)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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pt The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. O painel de administração é a primeira página que aparece quando inicia a sessão no seu site. É onde encontra todas as suas ferramentas WordPress. Se precisar de ajuda, clique o separador “Ajuda” acima do título da página. Details
Portuguese (pt)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

O painel de administração é a primeira página que aparece quando inicia a sessão no seu site. É onde encontra todas as suas ferramentas WordPress. Se precisar de ajuda, clique o separador “Ajuda” acima do título da página.

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pt-br The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. O painel administrativo é o primeiro lugar que vai encontrar ao acessar a sua conta no seu site e também é onde encontra todas as ferramentas do WordPress. Se precisar de ajuda, clique na aba “Suporte” acima do título da página. Details
Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

O painel administrativo é o primeiro lugar que vai encontrar ao acessar a sua conta no seu site e também é onde encontra todas as ferramentas do WordPress. Se precisar de ajuda, clique na aba “Suporte” acima do título da página.

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ro The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Panoul de control este locul unde ajungi de fiecare dată când te autentifici pe site. Acolo găsești toate uneltele WordPress. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor, dă clic pe fila „Ajutor”, deasupra titlului ecranului. Details
Romanian (ro)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Panoul de control este locul unde ajungi de fiecare dată când te autentifici pe site. Acolo găsești toate uneltele WordPress. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor, dă clic pe fila „Ajutor”, deasupra titlului ecranului.

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ru The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Консоль - это первое место, куда вы попадаете каждый раз, когда входите на свой сайт. Здесь вы найдете все инструменты WordPress. Если вам нужна помощь, просто нажмите на вкладку "Справка" над заголовком экрана. Details
Russian (ru)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Консоль - это первое место, куда вы попадаете каждый раз, когда входите на свой сайт. Здесь вы найдете все инструменты WordPress. Если вам нужна помощь, просто нажмите на вкладку "Справка" над заголовком экрана.

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rue The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Rusyn (rue)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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rup The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Aromanian (rup)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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sah The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sakha (sah)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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si The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sinhala (si)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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sk The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Nástenka je prvé miesto, na ktoré sa dostanete zakaždým, keď sa prihlásite na svoju stránku. Nájdete tu všetky svoje WordPress nástroje. Ak potrebujete pomoc, stačí kliknúť na “Pomoc” nad názvom obrazovky. Details
Slovak (sk)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Nástenka je prvé miesto, na ktoré sa dostanete zakaždým, keď sa prihlásite na svoju stránku. Nájdete tu všetky svoje WordPress nástroje. Ak potrebujete pomoc, stačí kliknúť na “Pomoc” nad názvom obrazovky.

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skr The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Saraiki (skr)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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sl The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Slovenian (sl)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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snd The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sindhi (snd)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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so The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Somali (so)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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sq The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Pulti është vendi i parë ku do të vini, sa herë që bëni hyrjen te llogaria për sajtin tuaj. Ky është vendi ku do të gjeni krejt mjetet tuaja WordPress. Nëse ju duhet ndihmë, thjesht klikoni mbi skedën “Ndihmë”, sipër titullit të skenës. Details
Albanian (sq)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Pulti është vendi i parë ku do të vini, sa herë që bëni hyrjen te llogaria për sajtin tuaj. Ky është vendi ku do të gjeni krejt mjetet tuaja WordPress. Nëse ju duhet ndihmë, thjesht klikoni mbi skedën “Ndihmë”, sipër titullit të skenës.

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sr The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Контролна табла је прво место на које ћете наићи сваки пут када се пријавите на своје веб место. Ту ћете пронаћи све своје Вордпресове алатке. Уколико вам треба помоћ, само притисните на језичак „Помоћ“ изнад наслова екрана. Details
Serbian (sr)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Контролна табла је прво место на које ћете наићи сваки пут када се пријавите на своје веб место. Ту ћете пронаћи све своје Вордпресове алатке. Уколико вам треба помоћ, само притисните на језичак „Помоћ“ изнад наслова екрана.

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su The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sundanese (su)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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sv The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Adminpanelen är det första du kommer till varje gång du loggar in på din webbplats. Här hittar du alla dina WordPress-verktyg. Om du behöver hjälp räcker det med att klicka på fliken ”Hjälp” ovanför vyns rubrikrad. Details
Swedish (sv)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Adminpanelen är det första du kommer till varje gång du loggar in på din webbplats. Här hittar du alla dina WordPress-verktyg. Om du behöver hjälp räcker det med att klicka på fliken ”Hjälp” ovanför vyns rubrikrad.

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sw The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Dashibodi ni mahali pa kwanza ambapo utakuja kila wakati unapoingia kwenye tovuti yako. Ni mahali ambapo utapata zana zako zote za WordPress. Ikiwa unahitaji usaidizi, bofya tu “Msaada” kichupo juu ya kichwa cha skrini. Details
Swahili (sw)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Dashibodi ni mahali pa kwanza ambapo utakuja kila wakati unapoingia kwenye tovuti yako. Ni mahali ambapo utapata zana zako zote za WordPress. Ikiwa unahitaji usaidizi, bofya tu “Msaada” kichupo juu ya kichwa cha skrini.

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ta The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tamil (ta)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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te The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Telugu (te)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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th The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Thai (th)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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tir The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tigrinya (tir)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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tl The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tagalog (tl)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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tlh The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Klingon (tlh)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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tr The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Pano, sitenize her giriş yaptığınızda ilk geleceğiniz yerdir. Tüm WordPress araçlarınızı burada bulacaksınız. Eğer yardıma ihtiyacınız olusa, sadece ekran başlığının üstündeki sekme olan “Yardım&#8221a tıklayın. Details
Turkish (tr)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Pano, sitenize her giriş yaptığınızda ilk geleceğiniz yerdir. Tüm WordPress araçlarınızı burada bulacaksınız. Eğer yardıma ihtiyacınız olusa, sadece ekran başlığının üstündeki sekme olan “Yardım&#8221a tıklayın.

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ug The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. باشقۇرۇش تاختا سىز ھەر قېتىم تور بېكىتىڭىزگە تىزىمغا كىرگەندە تۇنجى بولۇپ كۆرىدىغان جاي. بۇ جايدىن بارلىق WordPress قوراللىرىنى تاپالايسىز. ئەگەر ياردەمگە ئېھتىياجلىق بولسىڭىز، كۆرۈنۈش ماۋزۇسىنىڭ ئۈستىدىكى «ياردەم» بەتكۈچنى چەكسىڭىزلا بولىدۇ. Details
Uighur (ug)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

باشقۇرۇش تاختا سىز ھەر قېتىم تور بېكىتىڭىزگە تىزىمغا كىرگەندە تۇنجى بولۇپ كۆرىدىغان جاي. بۇ جايدىن بارلىق WordPress قوراللىرىنى تاپالايسىز. ئەگەر ياردەمگە ئېھتىياجلىق بولسىڭىز، كۆرۈنۈش ماۋزۇسىنىڭ ئۈستىدىكى «ياردەم» بەتكۈچنى چەكسىڭىزلا بولىدۇ.

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uk The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Ukrainian (uk)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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ur The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Urdu (ur)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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uz The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Uzbek (uz)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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vi The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. Đây là nơi đầu tiên bạn đến mỗi khi đăng nhập vào blog của mình. Ở đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy tất cả các công cụ WordPress. Nếu bạn cần trợ giúp, chỉ cần nhấp vào tab “Trợ giúp” phía trên màn hình. Details
Vietnamese (vi)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

Đây là nơi đầu tiên bạn đến mỗi khi đăng nhập vào blog của mình. Ở đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy tất cả các công cụ WordPress. Nếu bạn cần trợ giúp, chỉ cần nhấp vào tab “Trợ giúp” phía trên màn hình.

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yi The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Yiddish (yi)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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yor The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Yorùbá (yor)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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zh The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chinese (zh)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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zh-cn The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. 仪表盘是您每次登录站点时最先看到的界面。 您可以在这里找到所有的 WordPress 工具。 若您需要帮助,只需单击界面标题上方的“帮助”标签即可。 Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

仪表盘是您每次登录站点时最先看到的界面。 您可以在这里找到所有的 WordPress 工具。 若您需要帮助,只需单击界面标题上方的“帮助”标签即可。

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zh-hk The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. [控制台] 是使用者每次登入網站後會看見的第一個畫面,這個畫面能讓使用者找到 WordPress 網站的全部工具。如需取得協助,請點擊任何頁面標題上方的 [使用說明] 分頁。 Details
Chinese (Hong Kong) (zh-hk)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

[控制台] 是使用者每次登入網站後會看見的第一個畫面,這個畫面能讓使用者找到 WordPress 網站的全部工具。如需取得協助,請點擊任何頁面標題上方的 [使用說明] 分頁。

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zh-sg The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chinese (Singapore) (zh-sg)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

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zh-tw The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title. [控制台] 是使用者每次登入網站後會看見的第一個畫面,這個畫面能讓使用者找到 WordPress 網站的全部工具。如需取得協助,請點擊任何頁面標題上方的 [使用說明] 分頁。 Details
Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title.

[控制台] 是使用者每次登入網站後會看見的第一個畫面,這個畫面能讓使用者找到 WordPress 網站的全部工具。如需取得協助,請點擊任何頁面標題上方的 [使用說明] 分頁。

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with warnings