Feature: Jetpack AI Logo generator #11138636

Created on 2024-01-31, translation required by 2024-02-04 (147 days ago.)

Translations Glossary

Original string ar de es fr he id it ja ko nl pt-br ru sv tr zh-cn zh-tw
Create a logo with Jetpack AI
We are sorry. There was an error loading your Jetpack AI account settings. Please, try again.
Analyzing your site to create the perfect logo…
Generating logo…
Provide feedback
Jetpack AI Logo Generator
Save in Library
Applying logo…
Use on Site
Generating new logo…
Error saving the logo to your library. Please try again.
Error applying the logo to your site. Please try again.
Enhance prompt
Describe your site:
Describe your site or simply ask for a logo specifying some details about it
%u requests remaining.
Logo generation costs 10 requests; prompt enhancement costs 1 request each
Error enhancing prompt. Please try again.
Error generating logo. Please try again.
Not enough requests left to generate a logo. <strong>Upgrade now to increase it.</strong>
Upgrade your Jetpack AI for access to exclusive features, including logo generation. This upgrade will also increase the amount of requests you can use in all AI-powered features.
Not enough requests left to generate a logo. Upgrade your Jetpack AI to increase the amount of requests you can use in all AI-powered features.


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