791: Campaign details page #11500566

Created on 2024-02-28, translation required by 2024-03-03 (114 days ago.)

Translations Glossary

Original string ar de es fr he id it ja ko nl pt-br ru sv tr zh-cn zh-tw
Post page
Conversion Value
Conversion Value:
assigns a monetary value associated with each conversion. Example: If each sale is worth $50, and you had 10 sales, your conversion value would be $500.
show how many people made a purchase or completed a specific goal that aligns with the objectives of the campaign.
Conversion Rate
Conversion Rate:
shows the percentage of users who made a purchase (or completed a specific goal that aligns with the objectives of the campaign) out of the total number of users who clicked on the ad. Example: If your ad receives 100 clicks, and 5 people make a purchase, your conversion rate would be 5%.
Daily av. spend: $%(dailyAverageSpending)s
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