Jetpack new pricing page – Update translations in calypso-product package #7527441

Created on 2022-09-14, translation required by 2022-09-18 (636 days ago.)

Translations Glossary

Original string ar de es fr he id it ja ko nl pt-br ru sv tr zh-cn zh-tw
1TB (1,000GB) of cloud storage
1-year activity log archive
Unlimited one-click restores from the last 1 year
Akismet: Comment and form spam protection (60k API calls/mo)
VideoPress: 1TB of ad-free video hosting
1TB of cloud-hosted video
Unlock your growth potential by building a following on social media
Unlimited one-click restores from the last 1-year
{{strong}}1TB (1,000GB){{/strong}} of cloud storage
{{strong}}1-year{{/strong}} activity log archive
Unlimited one-click restores from the last {{strong}}1 year{{/strong}}
{{strong}}1 year{{/strong}} activity log archive *


Unfortunately, no screenshots were provided by the developer.