Translation of Administration: Chinese (China) Glossary

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If you would like to see more plugins to choose from, click on the &#8220;Add New Plugin&#8221; button and you will be able to browse or search for additional plugins from the <a href="%s">WordPress Plugin Directory</a>. Plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory are designed and developed by third parties, and are compatible with the license WordPress uses. Oh, and they&#8217;re free! 若您希望从更多插件中选择,请点击“安装插件”按钮。切换到“安装插件”界面后,您就可以在<a href="%s">WordPress.org插件目录</a>中浏览或搜索插件。WordPress插件目录中的主题是由第三方设计开发的,且与WordPress所用的版权许可证相兼容。最棒的是,它们都是免费的! Details

If you would like to see more plugins to choose from, click on the &#8220;Add New Plugin&#8221; button and you will be able to browse or search for additional plugins from the <a href="%s">WordPress Plugin Directory</a>. Plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory are designed and developed by third parties, and are compatible with the license WordPress uses. Oh, and they&#8217;re free!

If you would like to see more plugins to choose from, click on the &#8220;Add New Plugin&#8221; button and you will be able to browse or search for additional plugins from the <a href="%s">WordPress Plugin Directory</a>. Plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory are designed and developed by third parties, and are compatible with the license WordPress uses. Oh, and they&#8217;re free!

若您希望从更多插件中选择,请点击“安装插件”按钮。切换到“安装插件”界面后,您就可以在<a href="%s">WordPress.org插件目录</a>中浏览或搜索插件。WordPress插件目录中的主题是由第三方设计开发的,且与WordPress所用的版权许可证相兼容。最棒的是,它们都是免费的!

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If you would like to see more plugins to choose from, click on the &#8220;Add New Plugin&#8221; button and you will be able to browse or search for additional plugins from the <a href="%s">WordPress Plugin Directory</a>. Plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory are designed and developed by third parties, and are compatible with the license WordPress uses. Oh, and they&#8217;re free! 如果您想查看更多可供选择的插件,请单击&#8220;添加新插件&#8221;按钮,您就可以从<a href="%s">WordPress 插件目录</a>中浏览或搜索其他插件。WordPress 插件目录中的插件由第三方设计和开发,与 WordPress 使用的许可证兼容。哦,它们都是免费的! Details

If you would like to see more plugins to choose from, click on the &#8220;Add New Plugin&#8221; button and you will be able to browse or search for additional plugins from the <a href="%s">WordPress Plugin Directory</a>. Plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory are designed and developed by third parties, and are compatible with the license WordPress uses. Oh, and they&#8217;re free!

If you would like to see more plugins to choose from, click on the &#8220;Add New Plugin&#8221; button and you will be able to browse or search for additional plugins from the <a href="%s">WordPress Plugin Directory</a>. Plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory are designed and developed by third parties, and are compatible with the license WordPress uses. Oh, and they&#8217;re free!

如果您想查看更多可供选择的插件,请单击&#8220;添加新插件&#8221;按钮,您就可以从<a href="%s">WordPress 插件目录</a>中浏览或搜索其他插件。WordPress 插件目录中的插件由第三方设计和开发,与 WordPress 使用的许可证兼容。哦,它们都是免费的!

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