Translations of Original 893337 in

Prio Locale Original string Translation
af We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Afrikaans (af)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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am We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Amharic (am)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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an We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Aragonese (an)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ar We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. نخزِّن نحن وشركاؤنا الإعلانيون المعلومات على جهازك و/أو نصل إليها، ونعالج كذلك البيانات الشخصية مثل المُعرِّفات الفريدة، ونشاط التصفح، والمعلومات القياسية الأخرى التي تم إرسالها بواسطة جهازك بما في ذلك عنوان IP الخاص بك. يتم جمع هذه المعلومات بمرور الوقت، وتُستخدم للإعلانات الشخصية، وقياس الإعلان، ورؤى الجمهور، وتطوير منتج خاص ببرنامجنا الإعلاني. إذا كان هذا يناسبك، فحدِّد "أوافق" الواردة أدناه. وإلا، فيمكنك الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات، أو تخصيص تفضيلات موافقتك لأكثر من ⁦%1$s⁩ من موردي الإعلانات المختلفين، أو رفض الموافقة عن طريق تحديد "معرفة المزيد". لاحظ أن تفضيلاتك لا تنطبق إلا على هذا الموقع على الويب. وإذا غيرت رأيك في المستقبل، فيمكنك تحديث تفضيلاتك في أي وقت عن طريق زيارة رابط الخصوصية المعروض أسفل كل إعلان من الإعلانات أو عن طريق استخدام خيار "الخصوصية" في شريط الإجراءات الموجود في الزاوية السفلية اليمنى من الشاشة. هناك أمر أخير، قد يعالج شركاؤنا بعضًا من معلوماتك الشخصية بناءً على مصالح قانونية بدلاً من الموافقة، ولكن يمكنك الاعتراض على ذلك عن طريق اختيار "معرفة المزيد"، ومن ثمَّ تعطيل تبديل المصالح القانونية تحت أي غرض أو شريك مدرج. Details
Arabic (ar)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

نخزِّن نحن وشركاؤنا الإعلانيون المعلومات على جهازك و/أو نصل إليها، ونعالج كذلك البيانات الشخصية مثل المُعرِّفات الفريدة، ونشاط التصفح، والمعلومات القياسية الأخرى التي تم إرسالها بواسطة جهازك بما في ذلك عنوان IP الخاص بك. يتم جمع هذه المعلومات بمرور الوقت، وتُستخدم للإعلانات الشخصية، وقياس الإعلان، ورؤى الجمهور، وتطوير منتج خاص ببرنامجنا الإعلاني. إذا كان هذا يناسبك، فحدِّد "أوافق" الواردة أدناه. وإلا، فيمكنك الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات، أو تخصيص تفضيلات موافقتك لأكثر من ⁦%1$s⁩ من موردي الإعلانات المختلفين، أو رفض الموافقة عن طريق تحديد "معرفة المزيد". لاحظ أن تفضيلاتك لا تنطبق إلا على هذا الموقع على الويب. وإذا غيرت رأيك في المستقبل، فيمكنك تحديث تفضيلاتك في أي وقت عن طريق زيارة رابط الخصوصية المعروض أسفل كل إعلان من الإعلانات أو عن طريق استخدام خيار "الخصوصية" في شريط الإجراءات الموجود في الزاوية السفلية اليمنى من الشاشة. هناك أمر أخير، قد يعالج شركاؤنا بعضًا من معلوماتك الشخصية بناءً على مصالح قانونية بدلاً من الموافقة، ولكن يمكنك الاعتراض على ذلك عن طريق اختيار "معرفة المزيد"، ومن ثمَّ تعطيل تبديل المصالح القانونية تحت أي غرض أو شريك مدرج.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
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2024-03-05 21:55:40 GMT
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as We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Assamese (as)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ast We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Asturian (ast)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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az We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Azerbaijani (az)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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bal We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Catalan (Balear) (bal)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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bel We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Belarusian (bel)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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bg We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Bulgarian (bg)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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bn We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Bengali (bn)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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bo We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tibetan (bo)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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br We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Breton (br)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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bs We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Bosnian (bs)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ca We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Catalan (ca)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ckb We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kurdish (Sorani) (ckb)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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cs We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Czech (cs)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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cv We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chuvash (cv)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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cy We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Rydym ni a'n partneriaid hysbysebu %1$s yn cadw a/neu'n cyrchu gwybodaeth ar eich dyfais a hefyd yn prosesu data personol, fel dynodwyr unigryw, gweithgarwch pori, a gwybodaeth safonol arall a anfonir gan eich dyfais gan gynnwys eich cyfeiriad IP. Cesglir y wybodaeth hon dros amser a'i defnyddio ar gyfer hysbysebion personol, mesur hysbysebion, mewnwelediadau cynulleidfa, a datblygu cynnyrch sy'n benodol i'n rhaglen hysbysebion. Os yw hyn yn eich bodloni, dewiswch "Rwy'n Cytuno!" isod. Fel arall, gallwch gael mwy o wybodaeth, addasu eich dewisiadau caniatâd, neu wrthod caniatâd trwy ddewis "Dysgu Mwy". Sylwch fod eich dewisiadau yn berthnasol i'r wefan hon yn unig. Os byddwch chi'n newid eich meddwl yn y dyfodol gallwch chi ddiweddaru'ch dewisiadau unrhyw bryd trwy fynd i'r ddolen Preifatrwydd a ddangosir o dan bob hysbyseb. Un peth olaf, efallai y bydd ein partneriaid yn prosesu rhywfaint o'ch data yn seiliedig ar fuddiannau cyfreithlon yn lle caniatâd ond gallwch wrthwynebu hynny trwy ddewis "Dysgu Mwy" ac yna analluogi'r togl Buddiannau Cyfreithlon o dan unrhyw Ddiben neu Bartner a restrir. Details
Welsh (cy)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Rydym ni a'n partneriaid hysbysebu %1$s yn cadw a/neu'n cyrchu gwybodaeth ar eich dyfais a hefyd yn prosesu data personol, fel dynodwyr unigryw, gweithgarwch pori, a gwybodaeth safonol arall a anfonir gan eich dyfais gan gynnwys eich cyfeiriad IP. Cesglir y wybodaeth hon dros amser a'i defnyddio ar gyfer hysbysebion personol, mesur hysbysebion, mewnwelediadau cynulleidfa, a datblygu cynnyrch sy'n benodol i'n rhaglen hysbysebion. Os yw hyn yn eich bodloni, dewiswch "Rwy'n Cytuno!" isod. Fel arall, gallwch gael mwy o wybodaeth, addasu eich dewisiadau caniatâd, neu wrthod caniatâd trwy ddewis "Dysgu Mwy". Sylwch fod eich dewisiadau yn berthnasol i'r wefan hon yn unig. Os byddwch chi'n newid eich meddwl yn y dyfodol gallwch chi ddiweddaru'ch dewisiadau unrhyw bryd trwy fynd i'r ddolen Preifatrwydd a ddangosir o dan bob hysbyseb. Un peth olaf, efallai y bydd ein partneriaid yn prosesu rhywfaint o'ch data yn seiliedig ar fuddiannau cyfreithlon yn lle caniatâd ond gallwch wrthwynebu hynny trwy ddewis "Dysgu Mwy" ac yna analluogi'r togl Buddiannau Cyfreithlon o dan unrhyw Ddiben neu Bartner a restrir.

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da We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Danish (da)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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de We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Wir und unsere Werbepartner speichern Daten auf deinem Gerät und/oder greifen darauf zu. Außerdem verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten wie eindeutige Kennungen, Browseraktivitäten und weitere Standardinformationen, die von deinem Gerät gesendet werden, einschließlich deiner IP-Adresse. Diese Informationen werden gesammelt und für personalisierte Werbung, Anzeigenmessungen, Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen sowie spezielle Produktentwicklungen für unser Werbeprogramm verwendet. Wenn das für dich in Ordnung ist, wähle unten „Ich stimme zu“ aus. Anderenfalls kannst du unter „Weitere Informationen“ mehr erfahren, deine Zustimmungspräferenzen für über %1$s verschiedene Werbeanbieter anpassen oder deine Zustimmung verweigern. Bitte beachte, dass deine Einstellungen nur für diese Website gelten. Wenn du deine Meinung änderst, kannst du deine Einstellungen jederzeit über den Datenschutzlink unter der jeweiligen Werbeanzeige oder über die Option „Datenschutz“ in der Aktionsleiste rechts unten am Bildschirm aktualisieren. Schließlich möchten wir dich darauf hinweisen, dass unsere Partner bei berechtigtem Interesse auch ohne deine Zustimmung bestimmte Daten verarbeiten können, du dieser Verarbeitung jedoch widersprechen kannst. Klicke dazu auf „Weitere Informationen“ und deaktiviere „Berechtigtes Interesse“ unter dem jeweiligen Zweck oder Partner. Details
German (de)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Wir und unsere Werbepartner speichern Daten auf deinem Gerät und/oder greifen darauf zu. Außerdem verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten wie eindeutige Kennungen, Browseraktivitäten und weitere Standardinformationen, die von deinem Gerät gesendet werden, einschließlich deiner IP-Adresse. Diese Informationen werden gesammelt und für personalisierte Werbung, Anzeigenmessungen, Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen sowie spezielle Produktentwicklungen für unser Werbeprogramm verwendet. Wenn das für dich in Ordnung ist, wähle unten „Ich stimme zu“ aus. Anderenfalls kannst du unter „Weitere Informationen“ mehr erfahren, deine Zustimmungspräferenzen für über %1$s verschiedene Werbeanbieter anpassen oder deine Zustimmung verweigern. Bitte beachte, dass deine Einstellungen nur für diese Website gelten. Wenn du deine Meinung änderst, kannst du deine Einstellungen jederzeit über den Datenschutzlink unter der jeweiligen Werbeanzeige oder über die Option „Datenschutz“ in der Aktionsleiste rechts unten am Bildschirm aktualisieren. Schließlich möchten wir dich darauf hinweisen, dass unsere Partner bei berechtigtem Interesse auch ohne deine Zustimmung bestimmte Daten verarbeiten können, du dieser Verarbeitung jedoch widersprechen kannst. Klicke dazu auf „Weitere Informationen“ und deaktiviere „Berechtigtes Interesse“ unter dem jeweiligen Zweck oder Partner.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2024-03-05 17:58:10 GMT
Translated by:
Polly (pollyween)
More links:
de (formal) We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Wir und unsere %1$s Werbepartner speichern Daten auf Ihrem Gerät und/oder greifen darauf zu. Außerdem verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten, wie etwa eindeutige Kennungen, Browseraktivitäten und weitere Standardinformationen einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse, die von Ihrem Gerät gesendet werden. Diese Informationen werden gesammelt und für personalisierte Werbeanzeigen, Anzeigenmessungen, Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen und Produktentwicklungen bezüglich unseres Werbeprogramms verwendet. Wenn das für sich in Ordnung ist, wähle unten „Ich stimme zu“ aus. Über „Weitere Informationen“ können Sie Ihnen zusätzliche Infos ansehen, Ihre Präferenzen festlegen oder Ihre Zustimmung verweigern. Hinweis: Ihre Einstellungen gelten nur für diese Website. Sollten Sie Ihre Meinung ändern, können Sie die Einstellungen jederzeit ändern, indem Sie auf den Datenschutzlink unter der jeweiligen Werbeanzeige klickst. Schließlich möchten wir sich darauf hinweisen, dass unsere Partner bei berechtigtem Interesse auch ohne Ihre Zustimmung bestimmte Daten verarbeiten können, Sie dieser Verarbeitung jedoch widersprechen können. Klicken Sie dazu auf „Weitere Informationen“ und deaktiviere „Berechtigte Interessen“ unter dem jeweiligen Zweck oder Partner. Details
German (Formal) (de)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Wir und unsere %1$s Werbepartner speichern Daten auf Ihrem Gerät und/oder greifen darauf zu. Außerdem verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten, wie etwa eindeutige Kennungen, Browseraktivitäten und weitere Standardinformationen einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse, die von Ihrem Gerät gesendet werden. Diese Informationen werden gesammelt und für personalisierte Werbeanzeigen, Anzeigenmessungen, Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen und Produktentwicklungen bezüglich unseres Werbeprogramms verwendet. Wenn das für sich in Ordnung ist, wähle unten „Ich stimme zu“ aus. Über „Weitere Informationen“ können Sie Ihnen zusätzliche Infos ansehen, Ihre Präferenzen festlegen oder Ihre Zustimmung verweigern. Hinweis: Ihre Einstellungen gelten nur für diese Website. Sollten Sie Ihre Meinung ändern, können Sie die Einstellungen jederzeit ändern, indem Sie auf den Datenschutzlink unter der jeweiligen Werbeanzeige klickst. Schließlich möchten wir sich darauf hinweisen, dass unsere Partner bei berechtigtem Interesse auch ohne Ihre Zustimmung bestimmte Daten verarbeiten können, Sie dieser Verarbeitung jedoch widersprechen können. Klicken Sie dazu auf „Weitere Informationen“ und deaktiviere „Berechtigte Interessen“ unter dem jeweiligen Zweck oder Partner.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2023-09-19 13:55:20 GMT
Translated by:
More links:
de (formal) We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Wir und unsere %1$s Werbepartner speichern Daten auf Ihrem Gerät und/oder greifen darauf zu. Außerdem verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten, wie etwa eindeutige Kennungen, Browseraktivitäten und weitere Standardinformationen, die von Ihrem Gerät gesendet werden, einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse. Diese Informationen werden gesammelt und für personalisierte Werbeanzeigen, Anzeigenmessungen, Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen und Produktentwicklungen bezüglich unseres Werbeprogramms verwendet. Wenn das für sich in Ordnung ist, wähle unten „Ich stimme zu“ aus. Über „Weitere Informationen“ können Sie Ihnen zusätzliche Infos ansehen, Ihre Präferenzen festlegen oder Ihre Zustimmung verweigern. Hinweis: Ihre Einstellungen gelten nur für diese Website. Sollten Sie Ihre Meinung ändern, können Sie die Einstellungen jederzeit ändern, indem Sie auf den Datenschutzlink unter der jeweiligen Werbeanzeige klickst. Schließlich möchten wir sich darauf hinweisen, dass unsere Partner bei berechtigtem Interesse auch ohne Ihre Zustimmung bestimmte Daten verarbeiten können, Sie dieser Verarbeitung jedoch widersprechen können. Klicken Sie dazu auf „Weitere Informationen“ und deaktiviere „Berechtigtes Interesse“ unter dem jeweiligen Zweck oder Partner. Details
German (Formal) (de)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Wir und unsere %1$s Werbepartner speichern Daten auf Ihrem Gerät und/oder greifen darauf zu. Außerdem verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten, wie etwa eindeutige Kennungen, Browseraktivitäten und weitere Standardinformationen, die von Ihrem Gerät gesendet werden, einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse. Diese Informationen werden gesammelt und für personalisierte Werbeanzeigen, Anzeigenmessungen, Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen und Produktentwicklungen bezüglich unseres Werbeprogramms verwendet. Wenn das für sich in Ordnung ist, wähle unten „Ich stimme zu“ aus. Über „Weitere Informationen“ können Sie Ihnen zusätzliche Infos ansehen, Ihre Präferenzen festlegen oder Ihre Zustimmung verweigern. Hinweis: Ihre Einstellungen gelten nur für diese Website. Sollten Sie Ihre Meinung ändern, können Sie die Einstellungen jederzeit ändern, indem Sie auf den Datenschutzlink unter der jeweiligen Werbeanzeige klickst. Schließlich möchten wir sich darauf hinweisen, dass unsere Partner bei berechtigtem Interesse auch ohne Ihre Zustimmung bestimmte Daten verarbeiten können, Sie dieser Verarbeitung jedoch widersprechen können. Klicken Sie dazu auf „Weitere Informationen“ und deaktiviere „Berechtigtes Interesse“ unter dem jeweiligen Zweck oder Partner.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2023-09-20 13:55:23 GMT
Translated by:
More links:
de (formal) We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Wir und unsere Werbepartner speichern Daten auf Ihrem Gerät und/oder greifen darauf zu. Außerdem verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten wie eindeutige Kennungen, Browseraktivitäten und weitere Standardinformationen, die von Ihrem Gerät gesendet werden, einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse. Diese Informationen werden gesammelt und für personalisierte Werbung, Anzeigenmessungen, Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen sowie spezielle Produktentwicklungen für unser Werbeprogramm verwendet. Wenn das für sich in Ordnung ist, wähle unten „Ich stimme zu“ aus. Anderenfalls können Sie unter „Weitere Informationen“ mehr erfahren, Ihre Zustimmungspräferenzen für über %1$s verschiedene Werbeanbieter anpassen oder Ihre Zustimmung verweigern. Bitten Sie beachte, dass Ihre Einstellungen nur für diese Website gelten. Wenn Sie Ihre Meinung änderst, können Sie Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit über den Datenschutzlink unter der jeweiligen Werbeanzeige oder über die Option „Datenschutz“ in der Aktionsleiste rechts unten am Bildschirm aktualisieren. Schließlich möchten wir sich darauf hinweisen, dass unsere Partner bei berechtigtem Interesse auch ohne Ihre Zustimmung bestimmte Daten verarbeiten können, Sie dieser Verarbeitung jedoch widersprechen können. Klicken Sie dazu auf „Weitere Informationen“ und deaktiviere „Berechtigtes Interesse“ unter dem jeweiligen Zweck oder Partner. Details
German (Formal) (de)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Wir und unsere Werbepartner speichern Daten auf Ihrem Gerät und/oder greifen darauf zu. Außerdem verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten wie eindeutige Kennungen, Browseraktivitäten und weitere Standardinformationen, die von Ihrem Gerät gesendet werden, einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse. Diese Informationen werden gesammelt und für personalisierte Werbung, Anzeigenmessungen, Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen sowie spezielle Produktentwicklungen für unser Werbeprogramm verwendet. Wenn das für sich in Ordnung ist, wähle unten „Ich stimme zu“ aus. Anderenfalls können Sie unter „Weitere Informationen“ mehr erfahren, Ihre Zustimmungspräferenzen für über %1$s verschiedene Werbeanbieter anpassen oder Ihre Zustimmung verweigern. Bitten Sie beachte, dass Ihre Einstellungen nur für diese Website gelten. Wenn Sie Ihre Meinung änderst, können Sie Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit über den Datenschutzlink unter der jeweiligen Werbeanzeige oder über die Option „Datenschutz“ in der Aktionsleiste rechts unten am Bildschirm aktualisieren. Schließlich möchten wir sich darauf hinweisen, dass unsere Partner bei berechtigtem Interesse auch ohne Ihre Zustimmung bestimmte Daten verarbeiten können, Sie dieser Verarbeitung jedoch widersprechen können. Klicken Sie dazu auf „Weitere Informationen“ und deaktiviere „Berechtigtes Interesse“ unter dem jeweiligen Zweck oder Partner.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2024-03-05 17:58:10 GMT
Translated by:
More links:
de-ch We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
German (Switzerland) (de-ch)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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dv We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Dhivehi (dv)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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el We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Greek (el)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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el-po We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Ἐμεῖς καὶ οἱ διαφημιστὲς συνέταιροί μας, ἀποθηκεύομε καὶ προσπελάζομε πληροφορίες στὴν συσκευή σας, καθὼς ἐπίσης ἐπεξεργαζόμεθα προσωπικὰ δεδομένα, ὅπως μοναδικὰ ἀναγνωριστικά, δραστηριότητα περιήγησης, καὶ ἄλλες τυπικὲς πληροφορίες ποὺ στέλνει ἡ συσκευή σας συμπεριλαμβανομένης τῆς διευθύνσεως IP σας. Αὐτὴ ἡ πληροφορία συλλέγεται σὺν τῷ χρόνῳ καὶ χρησιμοποιεῖται γιὰ προσωποποιημένες διαφημίσεις, μετρήσεις διαφημίσεων, κατανόηση τοῦ κοινοῦ, καὶ ἀνάπτυξη προϊόντων εἰδικὰ γιὰ τὸ πρόγραμμα τῶν διαφημίσεών μας. Ἂν αὐτὸ σᾶς ἀρέσει, ἐπιλέξτε κατωτέρω τὸ "Συμφωνῶ!". Διαφορετικά, μπορεῖτε νὰ ἀποκτήσετε περισσότερες πληροφορίες, νὰ ἐξατομικεύσετε τὶς προτιμήσεις συναινέσεώς σας γιὰ πάνω ἀπὸ %1$s διαφορετικοὺς πωλητὲς διαφημίσεων ἢ νὰ ἀρνηθῆτε τὴν συναίνεση ἐπιλέγοντας "Μάθετε περισσότερα". Σημειῶστε ὅτι οἱ προτιμήσεις σας ἰσχύουν μόνον γι' αὐτὸν τὸν ἱστότοπο. Ἂν μελλοντικῶς ἀλλάξετε γνώμη μπορεῖτε νὰ τὶς ἐνημερώσετε ὁποτεδήποτε ἐπισκεπτόμενοι τὸν σύνδεσμο Ἰδιωτικότητας κάτω ἀπὸ κάθε διαφήμιση. Ἕνα τελευταῖο σημεῖο, οἱ συνέταιροί μας μπορεῖ ἀντὶ συναινέσεως νὰ ἐπεξεργασθοῦν ὁρισμένα ἀπὸ τὰ δεδομένα σας βάσει νομίμων συμφερόντων, ἀλλὰ μπορεῖτε νὰ ἀντιταχθεῖτε σ' αὐτὸ ἐπιλέγοντας "Μάθετε περισσότερα" καὶ ἐν συνεχείᾳ ἀπενεργοποιῶντας τὸν διακόπτη ἐναλλαγῆς Νομίμων Συμφερόντων κάτω ἀπὸ κάθε Σκοπὸ ἢ Συνέταιρο τοῦ κατωτέρω καταλόγου. Details
Polytonic Greek (el-po)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Ἐμεῖς καὶ οἱ διαφημιστὲς συνέταιροί μας, ἀποθηκεύομε καὶ προσπελάζομε πληροφορίες στὴν συσκευή σας, καθὼς ἐπίσης ἐπεξεργαζόμεθα προσωπικὰ δεδομένα, ὅπως μοναδικὰ ἀναγνωριστικά, δραστηριότητα περιήγησης, καὶ ἄλλες τυπικὲς πληροφορίες ποὺ στέλνει ἡ συσκευή σας συμπεριλαμβανομένης τῆς διευθύνσεως IP σας. Αὐτὴ ἡ πληροφορία συλλέγεται σὺν τῷ χρόνῳ καὶ χρησιμοποιεῖται γιὰ προσωποποιημένες διαφημίσεις, μετρήσεις διαφημίσεων, κατανόηση τοῦ κοινοῦ, καὶ ἀνάπτυξη προϊόντων εἰδικὰ γιὰ τὸ πρόγραμμα τῶν διαφημίσεών μας. Ἂν αὐτὸ σᾶς ἀρέσει, ἐπιλέξτε κατωτέρω τὸ "Συμφωνῶ!". Διαφορετικά, μπορεῖτε νὰ ἀποκτήσετε περισσότερες πληροφορίες, νὰ ἐξατομικεύσετε τὶς προτιμήσεις συναινέσεώς σας γιὰ πάνω ἀπὸ %1$s διαφορετικοὺς πωλητὲς διαφημίσεων ἢ νὰ ἀρνηθῆτε τὴν συναίνεση ἐπιλέγοντας "Μάθετε περισσότερα". Σημειῶστε ὅτι οἱ προτιμήσεις σας ἰσχύουν μόνον γι' αὐτὸν τὸν ἱστότοπο. Ἂν μελλοντικῶς ἀλλάξετε γνώμη μπορεῖτε νὰ τὶς ἐνημερώσετε ὁποτεδήποτε ἐπισκεπτόμενοι τὸν σύνδεσμο Ἰδιωτικότητας κάτω ἀπὸ κάθε διαφήμιση. Ἕνα τελευταῖο σημεῖο, οἱ συνέταιροί μας μπορεῖ ἀντὶ συναινέσεως νὰ ἐπεξεργασθοῦν ὁρισμένα ἀπὸ τὰ δεδομένα σας βάσει νομίμων συμφερόντων, ἀλλὰ μπορεῖτε νὰ ἀντιταχθεῖτε σ' αὐτὸ ἐπιλέγοντας "Μάθετε περισσότερα" καὶ ἐν συνεχείᾳ ἀπενεργοποιῶντας τὸν διακόπτη ἐναλλαγῆς Νομίμων Συμφερόντων κάτω ἀπὸ κάθε Σκοπὸ ἢ Συνέταιρο τοῦ κατωτέρω καταλόγου.

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en-gb We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
English (UK) (en-gb)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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eo We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Ni kaj niaj reklamaj partneroj konservas kaj/aŭ aliras informojn ĉe via aparato kaj ankaŭ traktas personajn datumojn, kiel unikajn identigilojn, retumilan agadon kaj aliajn kutimajn informojn senditajn de via aparato inkluzive de via IP-adreso. Ĉi tiuj informoj estas kolektitaj dum iom da tempo kaj uzataj por personigitaj reklamoj, mezurado de reklamoj, komprenado de vizitantoj kaj disvolviĝo de produktoj specifaj por nia reklama programo. Se tio plaĉas al vi, elektu "Mi konsentas!" malsupre. Alie, vi povas ekhavi pliajn informojn, agordi viajn konsentajn preferojn aŭ malakcepti elektante "Ekscii pli". Rimarku, ke viaj preferoj validas nur por ĉi tiu retejo. Se vi ŝanĝos vian opinion, vi povas ĝisdatigi viajn preferojn iam ajn vizitante la privatecan ligilon, kiu estas montrita sub ĉiu reklamo. Lasta afero, niaj partneroj povas prilabori iujn viajn datumojn surbaze de legitimaj interesoj anstataŭ konsento, sed vi povas kontraŭi tion elektante "Ekscii pli" kaj poste malŝaltante la legitimajn interesojn ĉe iu ajn listigita celo aŭ partnero. Details
Esperanto (eo)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Ni kaj niaj reklamaj partneroj konservas kaj/aŭ aliras informojn ĉe via aparato kaj ankaŭ traktas personajn datumojn, kiel unikajn identigilojn, retumilan agadon kaj aliajn kutimajn informojn senditajn de via aparato inkluzive de via IP-adreso. Ĉi tiuj informoj estas kolektitaj dum iom da tempo kaj uzataj por personigitaj reklamoj, mezurado de reklamoj, komprenado de vizitantoj kaj disvolviĝo de produktoj specifaj por nia reklama programo. Se tio plaĉas al vi, elektu "Mi konsentas!" malsupre. Alie, vi povas ekhavi pliajn informojn, agordi viajn konsentajn preferojn aŭ malakcepti elektante "Ekscii pli". Rimarku, ke viaj preferoj validas nur por ĉi tiu retejo. Se vi ŝanĝos vian opinion, vi povas ĝisdatigi viajn preferojn iam ajn vizitante la privatecan ligilon, kiu estas montrita sub ĉiu reklamo. Lasta afero, niaj partneroj povas prilabori iujn viajn datumojn surbaze de legitimaj interesoj anstataŭ konsento, sed vi povas kontraŭi tion elektante "Ekscii pli" kaj poste malŝaltante la legitimajn interesojn ĉe iu ajn listigita celo aŭ partnero.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2023-09-11 21:20:03 GMT
Translated by:
Robin van der Vliet (robinvdvliet)
Last updated by:
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es We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Nosotros y nuestros socios publicitarios recopilamos o accedemos a cierta información en tu dispositivo y tratamos datos personales, como los identificadores únicos, el historial de navegación y otra información estándar que tu dispositivo proporciona, incluida tu dirección IP. Esta información se recopila a lo largo del tiempo y se utiliza para ofrecer anuncios personalizados, medición de anuncios, información sobre el público y desarrollo de productos específicos de nuestro programa publicitario. Si estás de acuerdo con todo lo anterior, selecciona "Acepto" más abajo. De lo contrario, puedes obtener más información, personalizar tus preferencias de consentimiento para más de %1$s proveedores de anuncios diferentes o denegar el consentimiento haciendo clic en "Más información". Ten en cuenta que tus preferencias se aplican solo a este sitio web. Si más adelante cambias de opinión, puedes cambiarlas en cualquier momento accediendo al enlace sobre privacidad que aparece debajo de cada anuncio o utilizando la opción «Privacidad» de la barra de acciones situada en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla. Por último, nuestros socios pueden tratar algunos de tus datos basándose en intereses legítimos en lugar de en tu consentimiento, pero puedes oponerte a ello si eliges "Más información" y desactivas el botón "Intereses legítimos" bajo cada una de las finalidades o socios indicados. Details
Spanish (es)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Nosotros y nuestros socios publicitarios recopilamos o accedemos a cierta información en tu dispositivo y tratamos datos personales, como los identificadores únicos, el historial de navegación y otra información estándar que tu dispositivo proporciona, incluida tu dirección IP. Esta información se recopila a lo largo del tiempo y se utiliza para ofrecer anuncios personalizados, medición de anuncios, información sobre el público y desarrollo de productos específicos de nuestro programa publicitario. Si estás de acuerdo con todo lo anterior, selecciona "Acepto" más abajo. De lo contrario, puedes obtener más información, personalizar tus preferencias de consentimiento para más de %1$s proveedores de anuncios diferentes o denegar el consentimiento haciendo clic en "Más información". Ten en cuenta que tus preferencias se aplican solo a este sitio web. Si más adelante cambias de opinión, puedes cambiarlas en cualquier momento accediendo al enlace sobre privacidad que aparece debajo de cada anuncio o utilizando la opción «Privacidad» de la barra de acciones situada en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla. Por último, nuestros socios pueden tratar algunos de tus datos basándose en intereses legítimos en lugar de en tu consentimiento, pero puedes oponerte a ello si eliges "Más información" y desactivas el botón "Intereses legítimos" bajo cada una de las finalidades o socios indicados.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2024-03-08 09:55:29 GMT
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es-cl We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Spanish (Chile) (es-cl)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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es-mx We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Spanish (Mexico) (es-mx)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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es-pr We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Spanish (Puerto Rico) (es-pr)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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et We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Estonian (et)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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eu We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Basque (eu)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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fa We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Persian (fa)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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fi We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Finnish (fi)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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fo We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Faroese (fo)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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fr We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Nous et nos partenaires publicitaires conservons et/ou accédons aux informations sur votre appareil et traitons également vos données personnelles, comme les identifiants uniques, l’activité de navigation et d’autres informations standard que votre appareil transmet, y compris votre adresse IP. Ces informations sont collectées au fil du temps et utilisées pour les publicités personnalisées, la mesure des publicités, la connaissance du public et le développement de produits spécifiques à notre programme publicitaire. Si cela vous convient, sélectionnez « J’accepte ! » ci-après. Sinon, vous pouvez obtenir plus d’informations, personnaliser vos préférences en matière de consentement pour %1$s fournisseurs publicitaires ou refuser le consentement en sélectionnant « Lire la suite ». Notez que vos préférences ne concernent que ce site Web. Si vous changez d’avis ultérieurement, vous pouvez mettre à jour vos préférences à tout moment à partir du lien relatif à la confidentialité affiché sous chaque publicité ou à l’aide de l’option Confidentialité dans la barre d’actions située dans le coin inférieur droit de l’écran. Enfin, nos partenaires peuvent traiter certaines de vos données en fonction d’un intérêt légitime plutôt que sur la base de votre consentement. Vous pouvez toutefois refuser en sélectionnant « Lire la suite » et en désactivant l’option relative à l’intérêt légitime sous tout motif ou partenaire figurant dans la liste. Details
French (fr)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Nous et nos partenaires publicitaires conservons et/ou accédons aux informations sur votre appareil et traitons également vos données personnelles, comme les identifiants uniques, l’activité de navigation et d’autres informations standard que votre appareil transmet, y compris votre adresse IP. Ces informations sont collectées au fil du temps et utilisées pour les publicités personnalisées, la mesure des publicités, la connaissance du public et le développement de produits spécifiques à notre programme publicitaire. Si cela vous convient, sélectionnez « J’accepte ! » ci-après. Sinon, vous pouvez obtenir plus d’informations, personnaliser vos préférences en matière de consentement pour %1$s fournisseurs publicitaires ou refuser le consentement en sélectionnant « Lire la suite ». Notez que vos préférences ne concernent que ce site Web. Si vous changez d’avis ultérieurement, vous pouvez mettre à jour vos préférences à tout moment à partir du lien relatif à la confidentialité affiché sous chaque publicité ou à l’aide de l’option Confidentialité dans la barre d’actions située dans le coin inférieur droit de l’écran. Enfin, nos partenaires peuvent traiter certaines de vos données en fonction d’un intérêt légitime plutôt que sur la base de votre consentement. Vous pouvez toutefois refuser en sélectionnant « Lire la suite » et en désactivant l’option relative à l’intérêt légitime sous tout motif ou partenaire figurant dans la liste.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
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2024-03-04 18:55:24 GMT
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fr-be We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
French (Belgium) (fr-be)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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fr-ca We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
French (Canada) (fr-ca)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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fr-ch We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
French (Switzerland) (fr-ch)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ga We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Irish (ga)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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gd We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Scottish Gaelic (gd)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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gl We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Galician (gl)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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gu We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Gujarati (gu)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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he We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. אנחנו ושותפי הפרסום שלנו מאחסנים מידע ו/או יכולים לגשת למידע במכשיר שלך וגם מעבדים נתונים אישיים, כגון מזהים ייחודיים, היסטוריית גלישה ומידע סטנדרטי אחר שנשלח מהמכשיר שלך, כולל כתובת ה-IP שלך. אנחנו אוספים את המידע הזה במהלך הזמן ומשתמשים בו להתאמה אישית של פרסומות, למדידת פרסומות, לתובנות על קהל ולפיתוח מוצרים שרלוונטיים לתוכנית הפרסומות שלנו. אם המהלך הזה מקובל עליך, יש לבחור באפשרות 'אני רוצה להסכים!' למטה. בכל מקרה באפשרותך לקבל מידע נוסף, להתאים את העדפות ההסכמה שלך עבור מעל ⁦%1$s⁩ ספקי מודעות שונים או לבטל את הסכמתך על ידי בחירה באפשרות 'מידע נוסף'. לתשומת ליבך, ההעדפות שלך חלות רק באתר זה. אם דעתך תשתנה בהמשך, תמיד אפשר לעדכן את ההעדפות שלך דרך הקישור 'פרטיות' שמוצג מתחת לכל פרסומת, או באמצעות האפשרות 'פרטיות' בסרגל הפעולות שבפינה הימנית התחתונה של המסך. לבסוף, השותפים שלנו יכולים לעבד חלק מהנתונים שלך לפי אינטרס לגיטימי ללא צורך בהסכמתך, אבל יש לך אפשרות להתנגד למהלך זה על ידי בחירה באפשרות 'מידע נוסף' והשבתה של האפשרות 'אינטרס לגיטימי' מתחת לכל 'מטרה' או 'שותף' ברשימה. Details
Hebrew (he)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

אנחנו ושותפי הפרסום שלנו מאחסנים מידע ו/או יכולים לגשת למידע במכשיר שלך וגם מעבדים נתונים אישיים, כגון מזהים ייחודיים, היסטוריית גלישה ומידע סטנדרטי אחר שנשלח מהמכשיר שלך, כולל כתובת ה-IP שלך. אנחנו אוספים את המידע הזה במהלך הזמן ומשתמשים בו להתאמה אישית של פרסומות, למדידת פרסומות, לתובנות על קהל ולפיתוח מוצרים שרלוונטיים לתוכנית הפרסומות שלנו. אם המהלך הזה מקובל עליך, יש לבחור באפשרות 'אני רוצה להסכים!' למטה. בכל מקרה באפשרותך לקבל מידע נוסף, להתאים את העדפות ההסכמה שלך עבור מעל ⁦%1$s⁩ ספקי מודעות שונים או לבטל את הסכמתך על ידי בחירה באפשרות 'מידע נוסף'. לתשומת ליבך, ההעדפות שלך חלות רק באתר זה. אם דעתך תשתנה בהמשך, תמיד אפשר לעדכן את ההעדפות שלך דרך הקישור 'פרטיות' שמוצג מתחת לכל פרסומת, או באמצעות האפשרות 'פרטיות' בסרגל הפעולות שבפינה הימנית התחתונה של המסך. לבסוף, השותפים שלנו יכולים לעבד חלק מהנתונים שלך לפי אינטרס לגיטימי ללא צורך בהסכמתך, אבל יש לך אפשרות להתנגד למהלך זה על ידי בחירה באפשרות 'מידע נוסף' והשבתה של האפשרות 'אינטרס לגיטימי' מתחת לכל 'מטרה' או 'שותף' ברשימה.

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2024-03-07 14:55:20 GMT
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hi We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Hindi (hi)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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hr We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Croatian (hr)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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hu We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Hungarian (hu)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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hy We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Armenian (hy)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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id We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Kami dan mitra iklan kami menyimpan dan/atau mengakses informasi di perangkat Anda sekaligus memproses data pribadi, seperti pengenal unik, aktivitas penelusuran, dan informasi standar lainnya yang dikirim perangkat Anda termasuk alamat IP. Informasi tersebut dikumpulkan dari waktu ke waktu dan digunakan untuk iklan yang dipersonalisasi, pengukuran kinerja iklan, wawasan tentang pengunjung, dan pengembangan produk khusus untuk program iklan kami. Jika Anda sepakat, pilih "Saya Setuju!" di bawah ini. Jika tidak, Anda dapat membaca informasi lainnya, menyesuaikan preferensi persetujuan untuk lebih dari %1$s vendor iklan yang berbeda, atau menolaknya dengan memilih "Baca Selengkapnya". Harap diperhatikan bahwa preferensi Anda hanya berlaku untuk situs ini. Jika ke depannya Anda berubah pikiran, Anda dapat memperbarui preferensi kapan pun dengan mengunjungi tautan Privasi yang ditampilkan di bawah tiap iklan atau dengan menggunakan pilihan "Privasi" pada Bilah Tindakan yang ada di pojok bawah kanan layar. Terakhir, mitra kami mungkin akan memproses sebagian data Anda menurut kepentingan yang sah alih-alih berdasarkan persetujuan, tetapi tindakan ini dapat ditolak dengan memilih "Baca Selengkapnya", kemudian menonaktifkan tombol Kepentingan yang Sah di tiap Tujuan atau Mitra yang ditampilkan. Details
Indonesian (id)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Kami dan mitra iklan kami menyimpan dan/atau mengakses informasi di perangkat Anda sekaligus memproses data pribadi, seperti pengenal unik, aktivitas penelusuran, dan informasi standar lainnya yang dikirim perangkat Anda termasuk alamat IP. Informasi tersebut dikumpulkan dari waktu ke waktu dan digunakan untuk iklan yang dipersonalisasi, pengukuran kinerja iklan, wawasan tentang pengunjung, dan pengembangan produk khusus untuk program iklan kami. Jika Anda sepakat, pilih "Saya Setuju!" di bawah ini. Jika tidak, Anda dapat membaca informasi lainnya, menyesuaikan preferensi persetujuan untuk lebih dari %1$s vendor iklan yang berbeda, atau menolaknya dengan memilih "Baca Selengkapnya". Harap diperhatikan bahwa preferensi Anda hanya berlaku untuk situs ini. Jika ke depannya Anda berubah pikiran, Anda dapat memperbarui preferensi kapan pun dengan mengunjungi tautan Privasi yang ditampilkan di bawah tiap iklan atau dengan menggunakan pilihan "Privasi" pada Bilah Tindakan yang ada di pojok bawah kanan layar. Terakhir, mitra kami mungkin akan memproses sebagian data Anda menurut kepentingan yang sah alih-alih berdasarkan persetujuan, tetapi tindakan ini dapat ditolak dengan memilih "Baca Selengkapnya", kemudian menonaktifkan tombol Kepentingan yang Sah di tiap Tujuan atau Mitra yang ditampilkan.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2024-03-06 11:55:04 GMT
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is We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Icelandic (is)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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it We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Noi e i nostri partner pubblicitari archiviamo e/o accediamo alle informazioni sul tuo dispositivo e trattiamo anche dati personali, come identificatori univoci, attività di navigazione e altre informazioni standard inviate dal tuo dispositivo, compreso il tuo indirizzo IP. Queste informazioni vengono raccolte nel tempo e utilizzate per annunci personalizzati, valutazione degli annunci, osservazioni del pubblico e sviluppo di prodotti specifici per il nostro programma di annunci. Se sei d'accordo, seleziona "Accetto." di seguito. Altrimenti, puoi ottenere maggiori informazioni, personalizzare le tue preferenze di consenso per oltre %1$s inserzionisti o rifiutare il consenso selezionando "Ulteriori informazioni". Le preferenze vengono applicate solamente a questo sito web. Se in futuro cambierai idea, potrai aggiornare le tue preferenze in qualsiasi momento visitando il link Privacy visualizzato sotto ogni annuncio pubblicitario o usando l'opzione "Privacy" nella barra delle azioni situata nell'angolo in basso a destra dello schermo. Un'ultima cosa: i nostri partner possono trattare alcuni dei tuoi dati sulla base di interessi legittimi invece del consenso, ma puoi opporti scegliendo "Ulteriori informazioni" e quindi disattivando l'opzione relativa all'interesse legittimo sotto qualsiasi finalità o partner elencato. Details
Italian (it)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Noi e i nostri partner pubblicitari archiviamo e/o accediamo alle informazioni sul tuo dispositivo e trattiamo anche dati personali, come identificatori univoci, attività di navigazione e altre informazioni standard inviate dal tuo dispositivo, compreso il tuo indirizzo IP. Queste informazioni vengono raccolte nel tempo e utilizzate per annunci personalizzati, valutazione degli annunci, osservazioni del pubblico e sviluppo di prodotti specifici per il nostro programma di annunci. Se sei d'accordo, seleziona "Accetto." di seguito. Altrimenti, puoi ottenere maggiori informazioni, personalizzare le tue preferenze di consenso per oltre %1$s inserzionisti o rifiutare il consenso selezionando "Ulteriori informazioni". Le preferenze vengono applicate solamente a questo sito web. Se in futuro cambierai idea, potrai aggiornare le tue preferenze in qualsiasi momento visitando il link Privacy visualizzato sotto ogni annuncio pubblicitario o usando l'opzione "Privacy" nella barra delle azioni situata nell'angolo in basso a destra dello schermo. Un'ultima cosa: i nostri partner possono trattare alcuni dei tuoi dati sulla base di interessi legittimi invece del consenso, ma puoi opporti scegliendo "Ulteriori informazioni" e quindi disattivando l'opzione relativa all'interesse legittimo sotto qualsiasi finalità o partner elencato.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2024-03-10 20:06:39 GMT
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ja We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. 当社および当社の広告パートナーは、端末上の情報を保存したりそれにアクセスしたりするほか、固有の識別子や閲覧アクティビティなどの個人データや、端末が送信する IP アドレスなどの一般的な情報を処理します。 この情報は経時的に収集され、広告のカスタマイズ、広告測定、読者の統計概要、広告プログラムに固有の商品開発に使用されます。 これに同意する場合は、以下の「同意する」を選択してください。 または、「詳細」を選択して詳細を確認し、%1$sつ以上の異なる広告ベンダーの同意の設定をカスタマイズしたり、同意に拒否したりできます。 ユーザーの設定はこのサイトにのみ適用されることにご注意ください。 今後気が変わった場合は、各広告の下に表示されるプライバシーリンクにアクセスするか、画面の右下にある操作バーの「プライバシー」オプションを使用するをことで、設定をいつでも更新できます。 最後に、当社のパートナーは、同意の代わりに正当な利益に基づいてデータの一部を処理することがありますが、「詳細」を選択し、一覧表示された目的またはパートナーの下の正当な利益のトグルを無効にすることで、これを拒否できます。 Details
Japanese (ja)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

当社および当社の広告パートナーは、端末上の情報を保存したりそれにアクセスしたりするほか、固有の識別子や閲覧アクティビティなどの個人データや、端末が送信する IP アドレスなどの一般的な情報を処理します。 この情報は経時的に収集され、広告のカスタマイズ、広告測定、読者の統計概要、広告プログラムに固有の商品開発に使用されます。 これに同意する場合は、以下の「同意する」を選択してください。 または、「詳細」を選択して詳細を確認し、%1$sつ以上の異なる広告ベンダーの同意の設定をカスタマイズしたり、同意に拒否したりできます。 ユーザーの設定はこのサイトにのみ適用されることにご注意ください。 今後気が変わった場合は、各広告の下に表示されるプライバシーリンクにアクセスするか、画面の右下にある操作バーの「プライバシー」オプションを使用するをことで、設定をいつでも更新できます。 最後に、当社のパートナーは、同意の代わりに正当な利益に基づいてデータの一部を処理することがありますが、「詳細」を選択し、一覧表示された目的またはパートナーの下の正当な利益のトグルを無効にすることで、これを拒否できます。

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2024-03-07 08:55:28 GMT
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jv We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Javanese (jv)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ka We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Georgian (ka)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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kab We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kabyle (kab)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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kin We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kinyarwanda (kin)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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kir We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kirghiz (kir)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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kk We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kazakh (kk)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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km We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Khmer (km)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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kmr We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kurdish (Kurmanji) (kmr)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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kn We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kannada (kn)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ko We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. 당사와 광고 파트너는 회원님 기기의 정보를 저장 및/또는 이용하며 고유 식별자, 탐색 활동, 회원님의 기기에서 보낸 기타 표준 정보(회원님의 IP 주소 포함)와 같은 개인 데이터도 처리합니다. 이 정보는 광고 프로그램에 따라 시간별로 수집되며 개인화된 광고, 광고 측정, 잠재 고객 인사이트 및 제품 개발에 사용됩니다. 이의가 없으면 아래에서 "동의합니다!"를 선택하세요. 동의하지 않는 경우, "더 알아보기"를 선택하여 추가 정보를 얻거나, %1$s개가 넘는 광고 공급업체에 대한 동의 기본 설정을 사용자 정의하거나, 동의를 거부하실 수 있습니다. 이 웹사이트에만 기본 설정이 적용됩니다. 나중에 마음이 바뀌면 각 광고에 표시되는 개인정보 링크를 방문하거나 화면 하단 오른쪽 모서리에 있는 작업 표시줄의 "개인정보" 옵션을 사용하여 기본 설정을 업데이트하실 수 있습니다. 마지막으로, 당사 파트너는 동의 대신에 적법한 이해에 따라 회원님의 데이터 중 일부를 처리할 수 있지만 회원님은 "더 알아보기"를 선택한 다음 나열된 목적 또는 파트너 아래의 적법한 이해 토글을 비활성화하여 처리에 반대하실 수 있습니다. Details
Korean (ko)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

당사와 광고 파트너는 회원님 기기의 정보를 저장 및/또는 이용하며 고유 식별자, 탐색 활동, 회원님의 기기에서 보낸 기타 표준 정보(회원님의 IP 주소 포함)와 같은 개인 데이터도 처리합니다. 이 정보는 광고 프로그램에 따라 시간별로 수집되며 개인화된 광고, 광고 측정, 잠재 고객 인사이트 및 제품 개발에 사용됩니다. 이의가 없으면 아래에서 "동의합니다!"를 선택하세요. 동의하지 않는 경우, "더 알아보기"를 선택하여 추가 정보를 얻거나, %1$s개가 넘는 광고 공급업체에 대한 동의 기본 설정을 사용자 정의하거나, 동의를 거부하실 수 있습니다. 이 웹사이트에만 기본 설정이 적용됩니다. 나중에 마음이 바뀌면 각 광고에 표시되는 개인정보 링크를 방문하거나 화면 하단 오른쪽 모서리에 있는 작업 표시줄의 "개인정보" 옵션을 사용하여 기본 설정을 업데이트하실 수 있습니다. 마지막으로, 당사 파트너는 동의 대신에 적법한 이해에 따라 회원님의 데이터 중 일부를 처리할 수 있지만 회원님은 "더 알아보기"를 선택한 다음 나열된 목적 또는 파트너 아래의 적법한 이해 토글을 비활성화하여 처리에 반대하실 수 있습니다.

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2024-03-07 08:55:26 GMT
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lo We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Lao (lo)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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lt We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Lithuanian (lt)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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lv We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Mēs un mūsu %1$s reklāmas partneri glabā un/vai piekļūst jūsu ierīcē esošajai informācijai, kā arī apstrādā personas datus, piemēram, unikālos identifikatorus, pārlūkošanas aktivitātes un citu standarta informāciju, ko nosūta jūsu ierīce, tostarp jūsu IP adresi. Šī informācija tiek apkopota laika gaitā un izmantota personalizētām reklāmām, reklāmu mērījumiem, auditorijas izpētei un mūsu reklāmu programmai specifisku produktu izstrādei. Ja jums tas šķiet labi, zemāk izvēlieties "Es piekrītu!". Pretējā gadījumā varat iegūt vairāk informācijas, pielāgot savas piekrišanas preferences vai atteikties no piekrišanas, izvēloties "Uzzināt vairāk". Ņemiet vērā, ka jūsu preferences attiecas tikai uz šo vietni. Ja nākotnē mainīsiet savas domas, varat jebkurā laikā atjaunināt savas preferences, apmeklējot saiti "Privātums", kas redzama zem katras reklāmas. Pēdējais - mūsu partneri var apstrādāt dažus jūsu datus, pamatojoties uz leģitīmām interesēm, nevis piekrišanu, bet jūs varat pret to iebilst, izvēloties "Uzzināt vairāk" un pēc tam atspējot leģitīmo interešu pārslēdzēju zem jebkura norādītā mērķa vai partnera. Details
Latvian (lv)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Mēs un mūsu %1$s reklāmas partneri glabā un/vai piekļūst jūsu ierīcē esošajai informācijai, kā arī apstrādā personas datus, piemēram, unikālos identifikatorus, pārlūkošanas aktivitātes un citu standarta informāciju, ko nosūta jūsu ierīce, tostarp jūsu IP adresi. Šī informācija tiek apkopota laika gaitā un izmantota personalizētām reklāmām, reklāmu mērījumiem, auditorijas izpētei un mūsu reklāmu programmai specifisku produktu izstrādei. Ja jums tas šķiet labi, zemāk izvēlieties "Es piekrītu!". Pretējā gadījumā varat iegūt vairāk informācijas, pielāgot savas piekrišanas preferences vai atteikties no piekrišanas, izvēloties "Uzzināt vairāk". Ņemiet vērā, ka jūsu preferences attiecas tikai uz šo vietni. Ja nākotnē mainīsiet savas domas, varat jebkurā laikā atjaunināt savas preferences, apmeklējot saiti "Privātums", kas redzama zem katras reklāmas. Pēdējais - mūsu partneri var apstrādāt dažus jūsu datus, pamatojoties uz leģitīmām interesēm, nevis piekrišanu, bet jūs varat pret to iebilst, izvēloties "Uzzināt vairāk" un pēc tam atspējot leģitīmo interešu pārslēdzēju zem jebkura norādītā mērķa vai partnera.

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me We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Montenegrin (me)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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mhr We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mari (Meadow) (mhr)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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mk We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Macedonian (mk)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ml We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Malayalam (ml)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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mn We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mongolian (mn)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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mr We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Marathi (mr)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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mrj We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mari (Hill) (mrj)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ms We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Malay (ms)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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mwl We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mirandese (mwl)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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mya We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Burmese (mya)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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nb We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Norwegian (bokmål) (nb)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ne We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Nepali (ne)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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nl We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Wij en onze advertentiepartners kunnen informatie op een apparaat opslaan en/of openen en verwerken persoonsgegevens, zoals unieke identificatiecodes, browseractiviteit en andere standaardgegevens die door je apparaat worden verzonden, waaronder je IP-adres. Deze gegevens worden verzameld en gebruikt voor gepersonaliseerde advertenties, advertentiemeting, inzichten in het publiek en productontwikkeling voor ons specifieke advertentieprogramma. Als je hiermee akkoord gaat, selecteer dan 'Ik ga akkoord!' hieronder. Je kan ook meer informatie bekijken, je toestemmingsvoorkeuren aanpassen voor de %1$s advertentiepartners of de instemming weigeren door 'Meer informatie' te selecteren. Je voorkeuren zijn van toepassing op op deze website. Als je in de toekomst van gedachten verandert, kan je je voorkeuren op elk gewenst moment bijwerken door de Privacy-link onder elke advertentie te openen. Tot slot: onze partners kunnen sommige van je gegevens verwerken op basis van gerechtvaardigde belangen in plaats van toestemming. Hiertegen kan je bezwaar aantekenen door te kiezen voor 'Meer informatie' en vervolgens de knop gerechtvaardigde belangen uitschakelen onder elk vermeld doeleinde of elke partner. Details
Dutch (nl)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Wij en onze advertentiepartners kunnen informatie op een apparaat opslaan en/of openen en verwerken persoonsgegevens, zoals unieke identificatiecodes, browseractiviteit en andere standaardgegevens die door je apparaat worden verzonden, waaronder je IP-adres. Deze gegevens worden verzameld en gebruikt voor gepersonaliseerde advertenties, advertentiemeting, inzichten in het publiek en productontwikkeling voor ons specifieke advertentieprogramma. Als je hiermee akkoord gaat, selecteer dan 'Ik ga akkoord!' hieronder. Je kan ook meer informatie bekijken, je toestemmingsvoorkeuren aanpassen voor de %1$s advertentiepartners of de instemming weigeren door 'Meer informatie' te selecteren. Je voorkeuren zijn van toepassing op op deze website. Als je in de toekomst van gedachten verandert, kan je je voorkeuren op elk gewenst moment bijwerken door de Privacy-link onder elke advertentie te openen. Tot slot: onze partners kunnen sommige van je gegevens verwerken op basis van gerechtvaardigde belangen in plaats van toestemming. Hiertegen kan je bezwaar aantekenen door te kiezen voor 'Meer informatie' en vervolgens de knop gerechtvaardigde belangen uitschakelen onder elk vermeld doeleinde of elke partner.

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nn We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Norwegian Nynorsk (nn)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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oci We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Occitan (oci)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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orm We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Oromo (orm)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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pa We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Punjabi (pa)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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pl We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Przechowujemy informacje na urządzeniu lub mamy do nich dostęp, a także przetwarzamy dane osobowe, obejmujące unikatowe identyfikatory, informacje na temat aktywności użytkownika oraz inne standardowe informacje wysyłane domyślnie przez urządzenie, w tym adres IP. Tego typu działania są również podejmowane przez naszych partnerów reklamowych. Informacje, o których mowa, są gromadzone i wykorzystywane na potrzeby spersonalizowanych reklam, pomiaru reklam, opinii odbiorców, rozwoju produktu w ramach naszego programu reklamowego. Jeśli nie masz nic przeciwko powyższym działaniom, wybierz opcję „Zgadzam się!” poniżej. W przeciwnym razie wybierz opcję „Dowiedz się więcej”, aby uzyskać więcej informacji, mieć możliwość określenia swoich preferencji w zakresie udzielanej zgody lub odmówić jej udzielenia. Pamiętaj, że wybrane preferencje dotyczą tylko tej witryny. W razie zmiany zdania w przyszłości możesz w dowolnym czasie dokonać ich aktualizacji poprzez wybranie opcji „Ustawienia prywatności” dostępnej pod każdą reklamą. I ostatnia kwestia — nasi partnerzy mogą przetwarzać niektóre z Twoich danych na podstawie prawnie uzasadnionych interesów, a nie na podstawie udzielonej przez Ciebie zgody. Możesz się jednak na to nie zgodzić. W tym celu wybierz opcję „Dowiedz się więcej”, a następnie odznacz pole „Uzasadnione interesy” pod którymkolwiek z wymienionych Celów lub Partnerów. Details
Polish (pl)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Przechowujemy informacje na urządzeniu lub mamy do nich dostęp, a także przetwarzamy dane osobowe, obejmujące unikatowe identyfikatory, informacje na temat aktywności użytkownika oraz inne standardowe informacje wysyłane domyślnie przez urządzenie, w tym adres IP. Tego typu działania są również podejmowane przez naszych partnerów reklamowych. Informacje, o których mowa, są gromadzone i wykorzystywane na potrzeby spersonalizowanych reklam, pomiaru reklam, opinii odbiorców, rozwoju produktu w ramach naszego programu reklamowego. Jeśli nie masz nic przeciwko powyższym działaniom, wybierz opcję „Zgadzam się!” poniżej. W przeciwnym razie wybierz opcję „Dowiedz się więcej”, aby uzyskać więcej informacji, mieć możliwość określenia swoich preferencji w zakresie udzielanej zgody lub odmówić jej udzielenia. Pamiętaj, że wybrane preferencje dotyczą tylko tej witryny. W razie zmiany zdania w przyszłości możesz w dowolnym czasie dokonać ich aktualizacji poprzez wybranie opcji „Ustawienia prywatności” dostępnej pod każdą reklamą. I ostatnia kwestia — nasi partnerzy mogą przetwarzać niektóre z Twoich danych na podstawie prawnie uzasadnionych interesów, a nie na podstawie udzielonej przez Ciebie zgody. Możesz się jednak na to nie zgodzić. W tym celu wybierz opcję „Dowiedz się więcej”, a następnie odznacz pole „Uzasadnione interesy” pod którymkolwiek z wymienionych Celów lub Partnerów.

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ps We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Pashto (ps)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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pt We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Nós e os nossos parceiros de publicidade armazenamos e/ou acedemos a informações no seu dispositivo e também tratamos dados pessoais, tais como identificadores únicos, atividade de navegação e outras informações padrão enviadas pelo seu dispositivo, incluindo o seu endereço IP. Estas informações são recolhidas ao longo do tempo e utilizadas para anúncios personalizados, medição de anúncios, perspetivas sobre o público e desenvolvimento de produtos específicos do nosso programa de anúncios. Se estiver de acordo, selecione "Concordo!" abaixo. Caso contrário, pode obter mais informações, personalizar as suas preferências de consentimento ou recusar o consentimento ao selecionar "Saiba mais". Tenha em atenção que as suas preferências se aplicam a este Websites. Se mudar de ideias no futuro, pode atualizar as suas preferências em qualquer altura ao visitar a hiperligação Privacidade apresentada em cada anúncio. Por fim, os nossos parceiros podem tratar alguns dos seus dados com base em interesses legítimos em vez de consentimento, mas pode opor-se a tal ao escolher "Saiba mais" e, em seguida, desativar o comutador Interesses legítimos em qualquer Finalidade ou Parceiro indicado. Details
Portuguese (pt)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Nós e os nossos parceiros de publicidade armazenamos e/ou acedemos a informações no seu dispositivo e também tratamos dados pessoais, tais como identificadores únicos, atividade de navegação e outras informações padrão enviadas pelo seu dispositivo, incluindo o seu endereço IP. Estas informações são recolhidas ao longo do tempo e utilizadas para anúncios personalizados, medição de anúncios, perspetivas sobre o público e desenvolvimento de produtos específicos do nosso programa de anúncios. Se estiver de acordo, selecione "Concordo!" abaixo. Caso contrário, pode obter mais informações, personalizar as suas preferências de consentimento ou recusar o consentimento ao selecionar "Saiba mais". Tenha em atenção que as suas preferências se aplicam a este Websites. Se mudar de ideias no futuro, pode atualizar as suas preferências em qualquer altura ao visitar a hiperligação Privacidade apresentada em cada anúncio. Por fim, os nossos parceiros podem tratar alguns dos seus dados com base em interesses legítimos em vez de consentimento, mas pode opor-se a tal ao escolher "Saiba mais" e, em seguida, desativar o comutador Interesses legítimos em qualquer Finalidade ou Parceiro indicado.

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pt-br We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Nós e nossos parceiros de publicidade armazenamos e/ou acessamos informações no seu dispositivo e também processamos dados pessoais, como identificadores exclusivos, atividade de navegação e outras informações padrão enviadas pelo seu dispositivo, incluindo seu endereço IP. Essas informações são coletadas ao longo do tempo e usadas para anúncios personalizados, medição de anúncios, insights sobre o público e desenvolvimento de produtos específicos para nosso programa de anúncios. Se isso parece bom para você, selecione "I Agree!" (Concordo) abaixo. Caso contrário, você pode obter mais informações, personalizar suas preferências de consentimento para mais de %1$s fornecedores de anúncios diferentes ou recusar o consentimento selecionando "Saiba mais". Observe que suas preferências se aplicam somente a este site. Se mudar de ideia no futuro, você poderá atualizar suas preferências a qualquer momento acessando o link Privacidade exibido sob cada anúncio ou usando a opção "Privacidade" na barra de ação localizada no canto inferior direito da tela. Por fim, nossos parceiros podem processar alguns de seus dados com base em interesses legítimos em vez de consentimento, mas você pode se opor a isso escolhendo "Saiba mais" e, em seguida, desativando a opção Interesses legítimos em qualquer finalidade ou parceiro listado. Details
Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Nós e nossos parceiros de publicidade armazenamos e/ou acessamos informações no seu dispositivo e também processamos dados pessoais, como identificadores exclusivos, atividade de navegação e outras informações padrão enviadas pelo seu dispositivo, incluindo seu endereço IP. Essas informações são coletadas ao longo do tempo e usadas para anúncios personalizados, medição de anúncios, insights sobre o público e desenvolvimento de produtos específicos para nosso programa de anúncios. Se isso parece bom para você, selecione "I Agree!" (Concordo) abaixo. Caso contrário, você pode obter mais informações, personalizar suas preferências de consentimento para mais de %1$s fornecedores de anúncios diferentes ou recusar o consentimento selecionando "Saiba mais". Observe que suas preferências se aplicam somente a este site. Se mudar de ideia no futuro, você poderá atualizar suas preferências a qualquer momento acessando o link Privacidade exibido sob cada anúncio ou usando a opção "Privacidade" na barra de ação localizada no canto inferior direito da tela. Por fim, nossos parceiros podem processar alguns de seus dados com base em interesses legítimos em vez de consentimento, mas você pode se opor a isso escolhendo "Saiba mais" e, em seguida, desativando a opção Interesses legítimos em qualquer finalidade ou parceiro listado.

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ro We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Noi și partenerii noștri de publicitate stocăm și/sau accesăm informațiile de pe dispozitivul tău și, de asemenea, prelucrăm datele cu caracter personal, cum ar fi identificatori unici, activitatea de navigare și alte informații standard trimise de dispozitivul tău, inclusiv adresa IP. Aceste informații sunt colectate de-a lungul timpului și le utilizăm pentru reclame personalizate, dimensionarea reclamelor, o privire generală asupra audienței și dezvoltarea unor produse specifice programului nostru de reclame. Dacă nu ai nimic împotrivă, selectează „Sunt de acord!”, mai jos. Altminteri, poți să obții mai multe informații, îți poți personaliza preferințele pentru consimțământ pentru mai mulți furnizori (peste %1$s) sau chiar refuza consimțământul selectând „Află mai multe”. Reține că aceste preferințe se aplică numai acestui site web. Dacă te răzgândești mai târziu, poți actualiza oricând preferințele accesând legătura de confidențialitate afișată sub fiecare reclamă sau anunț. Și încă ceva, partenerii noștri pot prelucra unele dintre datele tale cu caracter personal pe baza intereselor lor legitime, fără consimțământul tău, dar te poți opune dacă alegi „Află mai multe” și apoi dezactivezi comutatorul Interese legitime sub orice scop sau pentru un partener. Details
Romanian (ro)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Noi și partenerii noștri de publicitate stocăm și/sau accesăm informațiile de pe dispozitivul tău și, de asemenea, prelucrăm datele cu caracter personal, cum ar fi identificatori unici, activitatea de navigare și alte informații standard trimise de dispozitivul tău, inclusiv adresa IP. Aceste informații sunt colectate de-a lungul timpului și le utilizăm pentru reclame personalizate, dimensionarea reclamelor, o privire generală asupra audienței și dezvoltarea unor produse specifice programului nostru de reclame. Dacă nu ai nimic împotrivă, selectează „Sunt de acord!”, mai jos. Altminteri, poți să obții mai multe informații, îți poți personaliza preferințele pentru consimțământ pentru mai mulți furnizori (peste %1$s) sau chiar refuza consimțământul selectând „Află mai multe”. Reține că aceste preferințe se aplică numai acestui site web. Dacă te răzgândești mai târziu, poți actualiza oricând preferințele accesând legătura de confidențialitate afișată sub fiecare reclamă sau anunț. Și încă ceva, partenerii noștri pot prelucra unele dintre datele tale cu caracter personal pe baza intereselor lor legitime, fără consimțământul tău, dar te poți opune dacă alegi „Află mai multe” și apoi dezactivezi comutatorul Interese legitime sub orice scop sau pentru un partener.

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ru We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Мы и наши рекламные партнёры имеем право на хранение информации на устройстве и/или на доступ к ней, а также на обработку персональных данных, например: уникальных идентификаторов, истории просмотров и другой стандартной информации, отправляемой устройством, включая IP-адрес. Эти сведения собираются постепенно и используются для показа персонализированной рекламы, определения эффективности рекламы, получения аналитических сведений об аудитории и разработки продуктов в рамках конкретной рекламной программы. Если вас всё устраивает, нажмите кнопку «Соглашаюсь» ниже. В противном случае можете изучить вопрос подробно, изменить предпочтения в отношении более %1$s различных рекламодателей или отклонить разрешение, нажав «Подробнее». Обратите внимание, что ваши настройки применяются только к этому веб-сайту. Если вы передумаете в будущем, то сможете изменить их в любое время, перейдя по ссылке «Конфиденциальность», которая есть под каждым объявлением, или воспользовавшись функцией «Конфиденциальность» на панели действий, расположенной в правом нижнем углу экрана. И последнее, наши партнёры могут обрабатывать некоторые ваши данные, исходя из своих законных интересов, без вашего согласия, но вы можете возразить против этого, нажав «Подробнее» и переведя переключатель «Законные интересы» рядом с целью или партнёром в положение «Выкл.». Details
Russian (ru)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Мы и наши рекламные партнёры имеем право на хранение информации на устройстве и/или на доступ к ней, а также на обработку персональных данных, например: уникальных идентификаторов, истории просмотров и другой стандартной информации, отправляемой устройством, включая IP-адрес. Эти сведения собираются постепенно и используются для показа персонализированной рекламы, определения эффективности рекламы, получения аналитических сведений об аудитории и разработки продуктов в рамках конкретной рекламной программы. Если вас всё устраивает, нажмите кнопку «Соглашаюсь» ниже. В противном случае можете изучить вопрос подробно, изменить предпочтения в отношении более %1$s различных рекламодателей или отклонить разрешение, нажав «Подробнее». Обратите внимание, что ваши настройки применяются только к этому веб-сайту. Если вы передумаете в будущем, то сможете изменить их в любое время, перейдя по ссылке «Конфиденциальность», которая есть под каждым объявлением, или воспользовавшись функцией «Конфиденциальность» на панели действий, расположенной в правом нижнем углу экрана. И последнее, наши партнёры могут обрабатывать некоторые ваши данные, исходя из своих законных интересов, без вашего согласия, но вы можете возразить против этого, нажав «Подробнее» и переведя переключатель «Законные интересы» рядом с целью или партнёром в положение «Выкл.».

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
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2024-03-07 20:55:17 GMT
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rue We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Rusyn (rue)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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rup We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Aromanian (rup)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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sah We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sakha (sah)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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si We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sinhala (si)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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sk We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Slovak (sk)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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skr We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Saraiki (skr)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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sl We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Slovenian (sl)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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snd We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sindhi (snd)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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so We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Somali (so)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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sq We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Albanian (sq)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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sr We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Serbian (sr)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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su We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sundanese (su)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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sv We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Vi och våra reklampartners lagrar och/eller får åtkomst till information på din enhet och behandlar också personuppgifter, exempelvis unika identifierare, surfaktivitet och annan standardinformation som skickas från din enhet, inklusive din IP-adress. Denna information samlas in över tid och används för personanpassade annonser, annonsmätning, publikinsikter och produktutveckling specifik för vårt annonsprogram. Om du tycker att detta låter okej, välj "Jag samtycker!" nedan. Du kan också få mer information, anpassa dina samtyckespreferenser för över %1$s olika annonsleverantörer eller avvisa samtycke genom att välja "Läs mer". Observera att dina preferenser endast gäller för den här webbplatsen. Om du ändrar dig i framtiden kan du uppdatera dina inställningar när som helst genom att besöka länken Integritet som visas under varje annons eller genom att använda alternativet "Integritet" i aktivitetsfältet längst ned till höger på skärmen. En sista sak, våra partners kan komma att behandla vissa av dina uppgifter baserat på legitima intressen istället för samtycke. Du kan dock invända mot detta genom att välja "Läs mer" och därefter inaktivera reglaget Legitima intressen under Syfte eller Partner. Details
Swedish (sv)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Vi och våra reklampartners lagrar och/eller får åtkomst till information på din enhet och behandlar också personuppgifter, exempelvis unika identifierare, surfaktivitet och annan standardinformation som skickas från din enhet, inklusive din IP-adress. Denna information samlas in över tid och används för personanpassade annonser, annonsmätning, publikinsikter och produktutveckling specifik för vårt annonsprogram. Om du tycker att detta låter okej, välj "Jag samtycker!" nedan. Du kan också få mer information, anpassa dina samtyckespreferenser för över %1$s olika annonsleverantörer eller avvisa samtycke genom att välja "Läs mer". Observera att dina preferenser endast gäller för den här webbplatsen. Om du ändrar dig i framtiden kan du uppdatera dina inställningar när som helst genom att besöka länken Integritet som visas under varje annons eller genom att använda alternativet "Integritet" i aktivitetsfältet längst ned till höger på skärmen. En sista sak, våra partners kan komma att behandla vissa av dina uppgifter baserat på legitima intressen istället för samtycke. Du kan dock invända mot detta genom att välja "Läs mer" och därefter inaktivera reglaget Legitima intressen under Syfte eller Partner.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
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2024-03-06 11:55:05 GMT
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sw We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Swahili (sw)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ta We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tamil (ta)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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te We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Telugu (te)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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th We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Thai (th)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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tir We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tigrinya (tir)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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tl We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tagalog (tl)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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tlh We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Klingon (tlh)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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tr We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. Biz ve reklam ortaklarımız, cihazınıza bilgi depolar ve/veya cihazınızdaki bilgilere erişir, ayrıca benzersiz tanımlayıcılar, tarama etkinliği ve IP adresiniz dahil olmak üzere cihazınız tarafından gönderilen diğer standart bilgiler gibi kişisel verileri işleriz. Bu bilgiler zaman içinde toplanır ve kişiselleştirilmiş reklamlar, reklam ölçümü, hedef kitle analizleri ve reklam programımıza özel ürün geliştirme çalışmaları için kullanılır. Bu konuda sizin için bir sorun yoksa aşağıdan "Kabul Ediyorum"u seçin. Aksi takdirde "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin"i seçerek daha fazla bilgi alabilir, %1$s taneden fazla farklı reklam tedarikçisi için izin tercihlerinizi özelleştirebilir veya izni reddedebilirsiniz. Tercihlerinizin yalnızca bu web sitesi için geçerli olduğunu unutmayın. Gelecekte fikrinizi değiştirirseniz her reklamın altında görüntülenen Gizlilik bağlantısını ziyaret ederek veya ekranın alt sağ köşesinde yer alan İşlem Çubuğundaki "Gizlilik" seçeneğini kullanarak tercihlerinizi istediğiniz zaman güncelleyebilirsiniz. Son olarak, ortaklarımız izin istemek yerine verilerinizin bir kısmını meşru yararlar için işleyebilir, ancak "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin" seçeneğini belirleyerek ve ardından listelenen herhangi bir Amaç veya Ortak altındaki Meşru Yararlar düğmesini devre dışı bırakarak buna itiraz edebilirsiniz. Details
Turkish (tr)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

Biz ve reklam ortaklarımız, cihazınıza bilgi depolar ve/veya cihazınızdaki bilgilere erişir, ayrıca benzersiz tanımlayıcılar, tarama etkinliği ve IP adresiniz dahil olmak üzere cihazınız tarafından gönderilen diğer standart bilgiler gibi kişisel verileri işleriz. Bu bilgiler zaman içinde toplanır ve kişiselleştirilmiş reklamlar, reklam ölçümü, hedef kitle analizleri ve reklam programımıza özel ürün geliştirme çalışmaları için kullanılır. Bu konuda sizin için bir sorun yoksa aşağıdan "Kabul Ediyorum"u seçin. Aksi takdirde "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin"i seçerek daha fazla bilgi alabilir, %1$s taneden fazla farklı reklam tedarikçisi için izin tercihlerinizi özelleştirebilir veya izni reddedebilirsiniz. Tercihlerinizin yalnızca bu web sitesi için geçerli olduğunu unutmayın. Gelecekte fikrinizi değiştirirseniz her reklamın altında görüntülenen Gizlilik bağlantısını ziyaret ederek veya ekranın alt sağ köşesinde yer alan İşlem Çubuğundaki "Gizlilik" seçeneğini kullanarak tercihlerinizi istediğiniz zaman güncelleyebilirsiniz. Son olarak, ortaklarımız izin istemek yerine verilerinizin bir kısmını meşru yararlar için işleyebilir, ancak "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin" seçeneğini belirleyerek ve ardından listelenen herhangi bir Amaç veya Ortak altındaki Meşru Yararlar düğmesini devre dışı bırakarak buna itiraz edebilirsiniz.

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
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2024-03-06 15:55:20 GMT
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ug We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Uighur (ug)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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uk We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Ukrainian (uk)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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ur We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Urdu (ur)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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uz We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Uzbek (uz)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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vi We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Vietnamese (vi)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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yi We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Yiddish (yi)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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yor We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Yorùbá (yor)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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zh We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chinese (zh)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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zh-cn We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. 我们和我们的广告合作伙伴会在您的设备上存储和/或访问信息,并处理个人数据,例如唯一标识符、浏览活动以及设备发送的其他标准信息(包括 IP 地址)。 我们会持续收集此类信息,并用于个性化广告、广告评估、受众数据分析以及针对我们的广告计划进行的产品开发。 如果您认为可行,请选择下面的“我同意!”。 否则,您可以选择“了解更多”来获取更多信息,针对超过 %1$s 家不同的广告供应商自定义您的同意首选项,或予以否决。 请注意:您的首选项仅适用于本网站。 如果您以后改变主意,可以随时访问各广告下方显示的“隐私”链接,或使用屏幕右下角“操作栏”中的“隐私”选项来更新您的首选项。 最后一点,我们的合作伙伴可能会基于合法权益而非征得您的同意来处理您的部分数据,但是您可以选择“了解更多”,然后在任何列出的“用途”或“合作伙伴”下禁用“合法权益”切换键,以此来反对这一做法。 Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

我们和我们的广告合作伙伴会在您的设备上存储和/或访问信息,并处理个人数据,例如唯一标识符、浏览活动以及设备发送的其他标准信息(包括 IP 地址)。 我们会持续收集此类信息,并用于个性化广告、广告评估、受众数据分析以及针对我们的广告计划进行的产品开发。 如果您认为可行,请选择下面的“我同意!”。 否则,您可以选择“了解更多”来获取更多信息,针对超过 %1$s 家不同的广告供应商自定义您的同意首选项,或予以否决。 请注意:您的首选项仅适用于本网站。 如果您以后改变主意,可以随时访问各广告下方显示的“隐私”链接,或使用屏幕右下角“操作栏”中的“隐私”选项来更新您的首选项。 最后一点,我们的合作伙伴可能会基于合法权益而非征得您的同意来处理您的部分数据,但是您可以选择“了解更多”,然后在任何列出的“用途”或“合作伙伴”下禁用“合法权益”切换键,以此来反对这一做法。

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2024-03-07 08:55:24 GMT
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zh-hk We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chinese (Hong Kong) (zh-hk)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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zh-sg We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chinese (Singapore) (zh-sg)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

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zh-tw We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner. 我們和廣告合作夥伴會儲存和/或存取你的裝置資訊,也會處理唯一識別碼、瀏覽活動等個人資料,以及你的裝置傳送的其他標準資訊 (包括 IP 位址)。 隨著時間經過,系統會陸續收集這類資料並用於個人化廣告、廣告測量、受眾深入分析和針對廣告方案的產品開發工作。 如果此做法聽起來不錯,請在下方選取「我同意!」。 你也可以取得更多資訊、針對 %1$s 個不同的廣告廠商自訂同意偏好設定,或選取「深入了解」拒絕同意。 請注意,你的偏好設定只適用於這個網站。 若之後改變心意,可隨時前往各廣告底下顯示的「隱私權」連結頁面,或點選畫面右下角動作列中的「隱私權」選項,更新偏好設定。 最後,我們的合作夥伴能基於合法利益,在未取得同意的情況下處理部分個人資料,但你可拒絕該行為,只要選擇「深入了解」,然後在任何列出的「用途」或「合作夥伴」中停用「合法利益」開關即可。 Details
Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select "I Agree!" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by selecting "Learn More". Note that your preferences apply only to this website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the "Privacy" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing "Learn More" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.

我們和廣告合作夥伴會儲存和/或存取你的裝置資訊,也會處理唯一識別碼、瀏覽活動等個人資料,以及你的裝置傳送的其他標準資訊 (包括 IP 位址)。 隨著時間經過,系統會陸續收集這類資料並用於個人化廣告、廣告測量、受眾深入分析和針對廣告方案的產品開發工作。 如果此做法聽起來不錯,請在下方選取「我同意!」。 你也可以取得更多資訊、針對 %1$s 個不同的廣告廠商自訂同意偏好設定,或選取「深入了解」拒絕同意。 請注意,你的偏好設定只適用於這個網站。 若之後改變心意,可隨時前往各廣告底下顯示的「隱私權」連結頁面,或點選畫面右下角動作列中的「隱私權」選項,更新偏好設定。 最後,我們的合作夥伴能基於合法利益,在未取得同意的情況下處理部分個人資料,但你可拒絕該行為,只要選擇「深入了解」,然後在任何列出的「用途」或「合作夥伴」中停用「合法利益」開關即可。

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translators: 1: Total number of partners.
Date added:
2024-03-06 11:55:06 GMT
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with warnings