Transfer or Map Domain Step #4410189

Created on 2020-09-28, translation required by 2020-10-04 (1351 days ago.)

Translations Glossary

Original string ar de es fr he id it ja ko nl pt-br ru sv tr zh-cn zh-tw
Map this domain to use it as your site address.
%(cost)s {{small}}/year{{/small}}
Get a domain authorization code.
Your domain is unlocked at your current registrar.
Unlock the domain.
Domain is unlocked.
Use My Own Domain
Note: These changes can take some time to take effect. Need help? {{a}}Get in touch with one of our Happiness Engineers{{/a}}.
Log into your current domain provider to complete a few preliminary steps.
A domain authorization code is a unique code linked only to your domain — kind of like a password for your domain. Log in to your current domain provider to get one. We call it a domain authorization code, but it might be called a secret code, auth code, or EPP code. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}.
Check again
We don't support transfers for domains ending with {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}}, but you can {{a}}map it{{/a}} instead.
Manage your domain and site together on
Let's get {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} ready to transfer.
Check my authorization code
I've unlocked my domain
Your domain is locked to prevent unauthorized transfers. You'll need to unlock it at your current domain provider before we can move it. {{a}}Here are instructions for unlocking it{{/a}}. It might take a few minutes for any changes to take effect.
Transfer your domain away from your current provider to so you can update settings, renew your domain, and more – right in your dashboard. We'll renew it for another year when the transfer is successful. {{a}}Learn more about domain transfers.{{/a}}
{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} can't be transferred. You can {{a}}manually connect it{{/a}} if you still want to use it for your site.
{{notice}}We couldn't get the lock status of your domain from your current registrar.{{/notice}} If you're sure your domain is unlocked then, you can continue to the next step. If it's not unlocked, then the transfer won't work. {{a}}Here are instructions to make sure your domain is unlocked.{{/a}}
Status unavailable
Can't get the domain's lock status.
Connect domain without transferring
Transferring this domain would extend the registration period beyond the maximum allowed term of %(termMaximumInYears)d years. It can be transferred starting %(transferEligibleDate)s.
You don't have to wait though. Connect your domain to your site now, without transferring it. {{a}}Learn how{{/a}}.
{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} can be transferred in %(transferDelayInDays)s days.
Transfer different domain
We were unable to start the transfer.
Please wait while we check the lock staus of your domain.
Checking domain lock status.
Auth Code
Transfers cannot be initiated in a support session - please ask the user to do it instead.
We'll add your domain and help you change its settings so it points to your site. Keep your domain renewed with your current provider. (They'll remind you when it's time.) {{a}}Learn more about mapping a domain{{/a}}.
You can transfer your domain's registration to and renew your domain and site from the same place. {{a}}Learn more about domain transfers{{/a}}.
Only .blog domains are included with your plan, to use a different tld upgrade to a %(planName)s plan.
Renews in one year at: %(cost)s {{small}}/year{{/small}}
Adds one year of domain registration for free with your plan.
Sale price is %(cost)s
The auth code you entered is invalid. Please verify you’re entering the correct code, or see {{a}}this support document{{/a}} for more troubleshooting steps.


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