Created on July 6, 2022

Translate 4 originals (90 words) to Spanish (Spain) Glossary

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If you deactivate your product, we will set your site to private and revert it to the point when you installed your first plugin or custom theme, or activated hosting features on {{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}. All of your posts, pages, and media will be preserved, except for content generated by plugins or custom themes. {{moreInfoTooltip/}} Si desactivas este producto, estableceremos tu sitio como privado y lo revertiremos hasta el punto en el que estaba el {{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}, cuando instalaste el primer plugin o tema personalizado o activaste funciones de alojamiento. Se guardarán todas tus entradas, páginas y elementos multimedia, excepto el contenido que se haya generado con plugins o temas personalizados. {{moreInfoTooltip/}} Details

If you deactivate your product, we will set your site to private and revert it to the point when you installed your first plugin or custom theme, or activated hosting features on {{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}. All of your posts, pages, and media will be preserved, except for content generated by plugins or custom themes. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}

If you deactivate your product, we will set your site to private and revert it to the point when you installed your first plugin or custom theme, or activated hosting features on {{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}. All of your posts, pages, and media will be preserved, except for content generated by plugins or custom themes. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}

Si desactivas este producto, estableceremos tu sitio como privado y lo revertiremos hasta el punto en el que estaba el {{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}, cuando instalaste el primer plugin o tema personalizado o activaste funciones de alojamiento. Se guardarán todas tus entradas, páginas y elementos multimedia, excepto el contenido que se haya generado con plugins o temas personalizados. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}

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On %(atomicTransferDate)s, we automatically moved your site to a platform that supports the usage of plugins, custom themes, and hosting features. If you deactivate your product, we will move your site back to its original platform. El %(atomicTransferDate)s movimos automáticamente tu sitio a una plataforma que permite el uso de plugins, temas personalizados y funciones de alojamiento. Si desactivas este producto, volveremos a mover tu sitio a la plataforma original. Details

On %(atomicTransferDate)s, we automatically moved your site to a platform that supports the usage of plugins, custom themes, and hosting features. If you deactivate your product, we will move your site back to its original platform.

On %(atomicTransferDate)s, we automatically moved your site to a platform that supports the usage of plugins, custom themes, and hosting features. If you deactivate your product, we will move your site back to its original platform.

El %(atomicTransferDate)s movimos automáticamente tu sitio a una plataforma que permite el uso de plugins, temas personalizados y funciones de alojamiento. Si desactivas este producto, volveremos a mover tu sitio a la plataforma original.

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Remove product Eliminar producto Details

Remove product

Remove product

Eliminar producto

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Cancel product Cancelar producto Details

Cancel product

Cancel product

Cancelar producto

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