Add additional product data(lightbox) to calypso package #7525461

Created on 2022-09-13, translation required by 2022-09-18 (640 days ago.)

Translations Glossary

Original string ar de es fr he id it ja ko nl pt-br ru sv tr zh-cn zh-tw
WooCommerce stores
News organizations
Membership sites
Online forums
Protect your revenue stream and content
Learn about issues before your customers are impacted
Restore your site in one click from desktop or mobile
Fix your site without a developer
Protect Woo order and customer data
Save time manually reviewing spam
Best-in-class support from WordPress experts
Grow your business with video, social, and CRM tools
1TB (1,000GB) of cloud storage
1-year activity log archive
Unlimited one-click restores from the last 1 year
Akismet: Comment and form spam protection (60k API calls/mo)
VideoPress: 1TB of ad-free video hosting
WooCommerce order and table backups
Redundant cloud backups on our global network
1TB of cloud-hosted video
Fast-motion video with 60 FPS and 4K resolution
Video and story blocks
10K API calls per month
Akismet technology - 500B+ spam comments blocked to date
Flexible API that works with any type of site
Instant email threat notifications
Instant search, filtering, and indexing
Highly relevant search results
Support for 38 languages
One-click optimization
Automatically share your posts and products on social media
Post to multiple channels at once
Manage all of your channels from a single hub
Scheduled posts
Restore or clone offline sites
Fix most issues in one click from desktop or mobile
Set up in minutes without a developer
Increase engagement by removing CAPTCHAs
Increase engagement and get your message across
Drag and drop videos through the WordPress editor
Remove distracting ads
Customizable to fit your site's design
Increase conversion with accurate search results
Tiered pricing - pay for only what you need
Quickly test and improve your site speed
Improve your site's SEO
Get faster FCP and LCP
Save time by sharing your posts automatically
Unlock your growth potential by building a following on social media
Easy-to-use interface
Unlimited one-click restores from the last 1-year
{{strong}}1TB (1,000GB){{/strong}} of cloud storage
{{strong}}1-year{{/strong}} activity log archive
Unlimited one-click restores from the last {{strong}}1 year{{/strong}}


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