Pricing page rework: Add product/plan lightbox descriptions. #7528982

Created on 2022-09-15, translation required by 2022-09-18 (636 days ago.)

Translations Glossary

Original string ar de es fr he id it ja ko nl pt-br ru sv tr zh-cn zh-tw
{{strong}}1TB (1,000GB){{/strong}} of cloud storage
Unlimited one-click restores from the last {{strong}}1 year{{/strong}}
{{strong}}1 year{{/strong}} activity log archive *
Full Jetpack suite with real-time security, instant site search, ad-free video, all CRM extensions, and extra storage for backups and video.
Protect your site or store with automated daily cloud backups, and restore in one click from anywhere.
Protect your site or store. Save every change with real-time cloud backups, and restore in one click from anywhere.
Own your content: High-quality, ad-free video built specifically for WordPress.
Keep your site or store ahead of security threats with automated malware scanning; including one-click fixes.
Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search helps your visitors instantly find the right content - right when they need it.


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