Created on May 22, 2024

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Edit product and variation stock levels in bulk via this handy interface. 透過這個方便好用的界面,來大量編輯產品與變動存貨水準。 Details

Edit product and variation stock levels in bulk via this handy interface.

Edit product and variation stock levels in bulk via this handy interface.


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Pack items into boxes with pre-defined costs per destination. 利用事先定義好的各目的地成本,來將商品裝箱。 Details

Pack items into boxes with pre-defined costs per destination.

Pack items into boxes with pre-defined costs per destination.


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Sell tickets for your next event, concert, function, fundraiser or conference directly on your own site. 直接在自己的網站上販賣活動、音樂會、聚會、募款活動、研討會票券。 Details

Sell tickets for your next event, concert, function, fundraiser or conference directly on your own site.

Sell tickets for your next event, concert, function, fundraiser or conference directly on your own site.


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Print USPS and DHL labels right from your WooCommerce dashboard and instantly save on shipping. WooCommerce Shipping is free to use and saves you time and money. 直接利用 WooCommerce 儀表板列印 USPS 和 DHL 送貨標籤,立刻省下不少運費。WooCommerce Shipping 免費提供使用,讓你省心又省錢。 Details

Print USPS and DHL labels right from your WooCommerce dashboard and instantly save on shipping. WooCommerce Shipping is free to use and saves you time and money.

Print USPS and DHL labels right from your WooCommerce dashboard and instantly save on shipping. WooCommerce Shipping is free to use and saves you time and money.

直接利用 WooCommerce 儀表板列印 USPS 和 DHL 送貨標籤,立刻省下不少運費。WooCommerce Shipping 免費提供使用,讓你省心又省錢。

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AutomateWoo - Birthdays add-on AutomateWoo - 生日附加元件 Details

AutomateWoo - Birthdays add-on

AutomateWoo - Birthdays add-on

AutomateWoo - 生日附加元件

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AutomateWoo - Refer a Friend add-on AutomateWoo - 推薦朋友附加元件 Details

AutomateWoo - Refer a Friend add-on

AutomateWoo - Refer a Friend add-on

AutomateWoo - 推薦朋友附加元件

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WooCommerce WooPayments WooCommerce WooPayments Details

WooCommerce WooPayments

WooCommerce WooPayments

WooCommerce WooPayments

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Easily setup new order and stock email notifications for multiple recipients of your choosing. 輕鬆設定新訂單與上架的電子郵件通知,自行選擇多名收件人。 Details

Easily setup new order and stock email notifications for multiple recipients of your choosing.

Easily setup new order and stock email notifications for multiple recipients of your choosing.


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Add subscription plans to your existing products and start capturing residual revenue with All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions. 新增既有商品的訂閱方案,利用 WooCommerce Subscriptions 讓所有商品都能為你賺取持續收入。 Details

Add subscription plans to your existing products and start capturing residual revenue with All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions.

Add subscription plans to your existing products and start capturing residual revenue with All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions.

新增既有商品的訂閱方案,利用 WooCommerce Subscriptions 讓所有商品都能為你賺取持續收入。

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Notify customers when your out-of-stock products become available. Recover lost sales, build customer loyalty, and gain deeper insights into your inventory. 缺貨商品再次供貨時通知顧客。救回失去的業績、打造顧客忠誠度,獲得商品庫存深度分析報告。 Details

Notify customers when your out-of-stock products become available. Recover lost sales, build customer loyalty, and gain deeper insights into your inventory.

Notify customers when your out-of-stock products become available. Recover lost sales, build customer loyalty, and gain deeper insights into your inventory.


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Edit product and variation stock levels in bulk via this handy interface 透過這個方便好用的界面,來大量編輯產品與變動存貨水準 Details

Edit product and variation stock levels in bulk via this handy interface

Edit product and variation stock levels in bulk via this handy interface


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Optimize your checkout process by adding, removing or editing fields to suit your needs. 按照自己的需求來新增、刪除或編輯結帳流程中的各項欄位,打造最佳購物體驗。 Details

Optimize your checkout process by adding, removing or editing fields to suit your needs.

Optimize your checkout process by adding, removing or editing fields to suit your needs.


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The definitive product builder plugin for WooCommerce. Create and offer personalized product kits and custom product configurators. WooCommerce 中最重要的產品設定外掛程式。可以設計個人化的產品組合,並且自訂產品配置。 Details

The definitive product builder plugin for WooCommerce. Create and offer personalized product kits and custom product configurators.

The definitive product builder plugin for WooCommerce. Create and offer personalized product kits and custom product configurators.

WooCommerce 中最重要的產品設定外掛程式。可以設計個人化的產品組合,並且自訂產品配置。

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Use conditional logic to restrict the shipping methods, payment gateways and shipping countries or states available to customers at checkout. 在結帳時使用條件式邏輯來限制顧客可用的送貨方式、付款閘道與運送目的國家。 Details

Use conditional logic to restrict the shipping methods, payment gateways and shipping countries or states available to customers at checkout.

Use conditional logic to restrict the shipping methods, payment gateways and shipping countries or states available to customers at checkout.


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Collect VAT numbers at checkout and remove the VAT charge for eligible EU businesses. 結帳時讓客戶填寫加值稅編號,並對符合條件的歐洲企業免收加值稅。 Details

Collect VAT numbers at checkout and remove the VAT charge for eligible EU businesses.

Collect VAT numbers at checkout and remove the VAT charge for eligible EU businesses.


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Pack items into boxes with pre-defined costs per destination 利用事先定義好的各目的地成本,來將商品裝箱 Details

Pack items into boxes with pre-defined costs per destination

Pack items into boxes with pre-defined costs per destination


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Offer digital prepaid gift cards and e-gift certificates that customers can redeem at your WooCommerce store. 在你的 WooCommerce 網路商店內提供數位預付禮品卡和電子禮券,讓顧客來兌換。 Details

Offer digital prepaid gift cards and e-gift certificates that customers can redeem at your WooCommerce store.

Offer digital prepaid gift cards and e-gift certificates that customers can redeem at your WooCommerce store.

在你的 WooCommerce 網路商店內提供數位預付禮品卡和電子禮券,讓顧客來兌換。

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Offer customers a way to purchase subscriptions for others. A gift that keeps on giving for your customers and your store's revenue. 讓顧客可以幫別人訂購商品或服務。一直有人用這種方式送禮,對顧客和網路商店的營收都有好處。 Details

Offer customers a way to purchase subscriptions for others. A gift that keeps on giving for your customers and your store's revenue.

Offer customers a way to purchase subscriptions for others. A gift that keeps on giving for your customers and your store's revenue.


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Define separate shipping costs per product which are combined at checkout to provide a total shipping cost. 設定個別商品的運費,並在結帳時合併運費,提供總運費給顧客參考。 Details

Define separate shipping costs per product which are combined at checkout to provide a total shipping cost.

Define separate shipping costs per product which are combined at checkout to provide a total shipping cost.


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Import, merge, and export products and variations to and from WooCommerce using a CSV file. 使用 CSV 檔案在 WooCommerce 進行產品與變動的匯入、合併和匯出。 Details

Import, merge, and export products and variations to and from WooCommerce using a CSV file.

Import, merge, and export products and variations to and from WooCommerce using a CSV file.

使用 CSV 檔案在 WooCommerce 進行產品與變動的匯入、合併和匯出。

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Offer smarter upsells, cross-sells, and frequently bought together recommendations. Use analytics to measure their impact and optimize your strategies. 提供更聰明的促銷、交叉銷售、經常一起購買的建議。運用分析資訊來衡量其影響,並且進行策略最佳化。 Details

Offer smarter upsells, cross-sells, and frequently bought together recommendations. Use analytics to measure their impact and optimize your strategies.

Offer smarter upsells, cross-sells, and frequently bought together recommendations. Use analytics to measure their impact and optimize your strategies.


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Turn your store into a multi-vendor marketplace. Allow multiple vendors to sell via your site and in return take a commission on sales. 把你的網路商店變成多供應商市集。讓更多供應商透過你的店面來賣東西,讓你抽取銷售佣金。 Details

Turn your store into a multi-vendor marketplace. Allow multiple vendors to sell via your site and in return take a commission on sales.

Turn your store into a multi-vendor marketplace. Allow multiple vendors to sell via your site and in return take a commission on sales.


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Manage the RMA process, add warranties to products, and let customers request and manage returns/exchanges from their account. 管理退貨流程和產品保固,讓顧客自其帳號進行退換貨申請與管理。 Details

Manage the RMA process, add warranties to products, and let customers request and manage returns/exchanges from their account.

Manage the RMA process, add warranties to products, and let customers request and manage returns/exchanges from their account.


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Offer additional downloads to your subscribers, via downloadable products listed in your store. 在你商店中上架的可下載商品,也能提供訂戶額外的下載服務。 Details

Offer additional downloads to your subscribers, via downloadable products listed in your store.

Offer additional downloads to your subscribers, via downloadable products listed in your store.


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Allow your customers to ship individual items in a single order to multiple addresses. 讓顧客可以在同一張訂單中,把不同的商品送貨到不同地址。 Details

Allow your customers to ship individual items in a single order to multiple addresses.

Allow your customers to ship individual items in a single order to multiple addresses.


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All the tools you need to customize your WooCommerce store design. Storefront is our free, intuitive theme for WooCommerce - make it yours without touching code with the Storefront Extensions bundle. WooCommerce 提供商店外觀設計一切所需工具:Storefront 是 WooCommerce 專用的免費佈景主題,直覺又好用。透過 Storefront 擴充套件,不必寫半行程式碼,也能讓店面呈現獨特風格。 Details

All the tools you need to customize your WooCommerce store design. Storefront is our free, intuitive theme for WooCommerce - make it yours without touching code with the Storefront Extensions bundle.

All the tools you need to customize your WooCommerce store design. Storefront is our free, intuitive theme for WooCommerce - make it yours without touching code with the Storefront Extensions bundle.

WooCommerce 提供商店外觀設計一切所需工具:Storefront 是 WooCommerce 專用的免費佈景主題,直覺又好用。透過 Storefront 擴充套件,不必寫半行程式碼,也能讓店面呈現獨特風格。

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The Table Rate shipping module extends WooCommerce's default shipping options giving you highly customisable shipping options. Table Rate 送貨模組強化了 WooCommerce 原先預設的送貨功能,讓你擁有更能客製化的送貨選項。 Details

The Table Rate shipping module extends WooCommerce's default shipping options giving you highly customisable shipping options.

The Table Rate shipping module extends WooCommerce's default shipping options giving you highly customisable shipping options.

Table Rate 送貨模組強化了 WooCommerce 原先預設的送貨功能,讓你擁有更能客製化的送貨選項。

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Unlimited images for your product variations. 不限數量的產品變動圖片。 Details

Unlimited images for your product variations.

Unlimited images for your product variations.


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Sell tickets for your next event, concert, function, fundraiser or conference directly on your own site 直接在自己的網站上販賣活動、音樂會、聚會、募款活動、研討會票券 Details

Sell tickets for your next event, concert, function, fundraiser or conference directly on your own site

Sell tickets for your next event, concert, function, fundraiser or conference directly on your own site


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Categorize coupons within coupon campaigns, making it easier to track the performance of a collection of coupons. 在折價活動中提供折價券分類,讓其績效追蹤更為容易。 Details

Categorize coupons within coupon campaigns, making it easier to track the performance of a collection of coupons.

Categorize coupons within coupon campaigns, making it easier to track the performance of a collection of coupons.


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Enable custom payment schedules with WooCommerce Deposits. Accept payments as deposits, layaway plans, or any desired payment structure. 使用 WooCommerce Deposits 啟用客製化付款排程。可透過訂金、分期付款方案或任何所需的付款結構來收取付款。 Details

Enable custom payment schedules with WooCommerce Deposits. Accept payments as deposits, layaway plans, or any desired payment structure.

Enable custom payment schedules with WooCommerce Deposits. Accept payments as deposits, layaway plans, or any desired payment structure.

使用 WooCommerce Deposits 啟用客製化付款排程。可透過訂金、分期付款方案或任何所需的付款結構來收取付款。

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WooCommerce Distance Rate shipping allows you to charge shipping rates based on the distance or total travel time to your customers as well as charge based on weight, total value or number of items in cart. WooCommerce Distance Rate 讓你可依據送貨距離或總需時來收取運費,也可以依據重量、購物車中的總價或商品數量來計費。 Details

WooCommerce Distance Rate shipping allows you to charge shipping rates based on the distance or total travel time to your customers as well as charge based on weight, total value or number of items in cart.

WooCommerce Distance Rate shipping allows you to charge shipping rates based on the distance or total travel time to your customers as well as charge based on weight, total value or number of items in cart.

WooCommerce Distance Rate 讓你可依據送貨距離或總需時來收取運費,也可以依據重量、購物車中的總價或商品數量來計費。

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Create special pages where customers can choose products, checkout & pay all on the one page. 建立特別的一頁式商店,讓顧客可在同一頁選取商品、結帳並完成付款。 Details

Create special pages where customers can choose products, checkout & pay all on the one page.

Create special pages where customers can choose products, checkout & pay all on the one page.


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Generates a unique barcode for each order on your site perfect for e-tickets, packing slips, reservations and a variety of other uses. 對每張訂單產成不重覆的條碼,特別適用於電子票券、裝箱單、訂位單等多種不同用途。 Details

Generates a unique barcode for each order on your site perfect for e-tickets, packing slips, reservations and a variety of other uses.

Generates a unique barcode for each order on your site perfect for e-tickets, packing slips, reservations and a variety of other uses.


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Reward your customers for purchases and other actions with points which can be redeemed for discounts. 以點數來獎勵顧客購買或進行其他動作,日後可用來兌換折扣。 Details

Reward your customers for purchases and other actions with points which can be redeemed for discounts.

Reward your customers for purchases and other actions with points which can be redeemed for discounts.


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Allow customers to order products before they are available. 讓顧客在商品上架前進行預購。 Details

Allow customers to order products before they are available.

Allow customers to order products before they are available.


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Seamlessly accept purchase orders as a payment method on your WooCommerce store. 在你的 WooCommerce 商店上順暢接收採購訂單當做一種付款方式。 Details

Seamlessly accept purchase orders as a payment method on your WooCommerce store.

Seamlessly accept purchase orders as a payment method on your WooCommerce store.

在你的 WooCommerce 商店上順暢接收採購訂單當做一種付款方式。

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Print USPS and DHL labels right from the WooCommerce desktop and save up to 90% instantly. WooCommerce Shipping is free and saves you time and money. 直接利用 WooCommerce 儀表板列印 USPS 和 DHL 送貨標籤,立刻省下最高 90% 運費。WooCommerce Shipping 免費提供使用,讓你省心又省錢。 Details

Print USPS and DHL labels right from the WooCommerce desktop and save up to 90% instantly. WooCommerce Shipping is free and saves you time and money.

Print USPS and DHL labels right from the WooCommerce desktop and save up to 90% instantly. WooCommerce Shipping is free and saves you time and money.

直接利用 WooCommerce 儀表板列印 USPS 和 DHL 送貨標籤,立刻省下最高 90% 運費。WooCommerce Shipping 免費提供使用,讓你省心又省錢。

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Book accommodation using WooCommerce and the WooCommerce Bookings extension. 使用 WooCommerce 和 WooCommerce Booking 擴充套件來訂房。 Details

Book accommodation using WooCommerce and the WooCommerce Bookings extension.

Book accommodation using WooCommerce and the WooCommerce Bookings extension.

使用 WooCommerce 和 WooCommerce Booking 擴充套件來訂房。

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Automatically calculate how much sales tax should be collected for WooCommerce orders — by city, country, or state — at checkout. 在結帳時自動依照城市、國家或州來自動計算 WooCommerce 訂單應該收取多少營業稅。 Details

Automatically calculate how much sales tax should be collected for WooCommerce orders — by city, country, or state — at checkout.

Automatically calculate how much sales tax should be collected for WooCommerce orders — by city, country, or state — at checkout.

在結帳時自動依照城市、國家或州來自動計算 WooCommerce 訂單應該收取多少營業稅。

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The only payment solution fully integrated to Woo. Accept credit/debit cards and local payment options with no setup or monthly fees. 唯一完全整合到 Woo 的付款解決方案。無需任何設定和月費,即可收取信用卡/簽帳金融卡和各種當地付款方式。 Details

The only payment solution fully integrated to Woo. Accept credit/debit cards and local payment options with no setup or monthly fees.

The only payment solution fully integrated to Woo. Accept credit/debit cards and local payment options with no setup or monthly fees.

唯一完全整合到 Woo 的付款解決方案。無需任何設定和月費,即可收取信用卡/簽帳金融卡和各種當地付款方式。

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