Translation of Welsh Glossary

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Validator: Rhoslyn Prys. More information.

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Will this affect your ability to share content on Facebook? It depends. If you’ve connected a Facebook %1$sProfile%2$s to your site, then yes: Publicize will no longer be able to share your posts to Facebook. On the other hand, nothing will change if you keep a Facebook %1$sPage%2$s connected to your site -- all your content should still appear directly on Facebook via Publicize. (Not sure what the difference is between a Page and a Profile? Here’s %3$sFacebook’s explanation%4$s.) You can review and change your social sharing settings by heading to %1$sMy Site(s) → Sharing%2$s on A fydd hyn yn effeithio ar eich gallu i rannu cynnwys ar Facebook? Mae'n dibynnu. Os ydych chi wedi cysylltu'ch %1$sProfile%2$s Facebook i'ch gwefan, yna bydd: Ni fydd Publicize mwyach yn gallu rhannu'ch cofnodion i Facebook. Ar y llaw arall, ni fydd unrhyw beth yn newid os ydych yn cadw Facebook %1$sPage%2$s wedi'i gysylltu â'ch gwefan - - dylai eich holl gynnwys ymddangos yn uniongyrchol ar Facebook trwy Publicize. (Ddim yn siŵr beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng Tudalen a Phrofil? Dyma esboniad %3$sFacebook%4$s.) Gallwch chi adolygu a newid eich gosodiadau rhannu cymdeithasol trwy fynd i %1$sFy Ngwefan(au) → Rhannu%2$s. Details

Will this affect your ability to share content on Facebook? It depends. If you’ve connected a Facebook %1$sProfile%2$s to your site, then yes: Publicize will no longer be able to share your posts to Facebook. On the other hand, nothing will change if you keep a Facebook %1$sPage%2$s connected to your site -- all your content should still appear directly on Facebook via Publicize. (Not sure what the difference is between a Page and a Profile? Here’s %3$sFacebook’s explanation%4$s.) You can review and change your social sharing settings by heading to %1$sMy Site(s) → Sharing%2$s on

Will this affect your ability to share content on Facebook? It depends. If you’ve connected a Facebook %1$sProfile%2$s to your site, then yes: Publicize will no longer be able to share your posts to Facebook. On the other hand, nothing will change if you keep a Facebook %1$sPage%2$s connected to your site -- all your content should still appear directly on Facebook via Publicize. (Not sure what the difference is between a Page and a Profile? Here’s %3$sFacebook’s explanation%4$s.) You can review and change your social sharing settings by heading to %1$sMy Site(s) → Sharing%2$s on

A fydd hyn yn effeithio ar eich gallu i rannu cynnwys ar Facebook? Mae'n dibynnu. Os ydych chi wedi cysylltu'ch %1$sProfile%2$s Facebook i'ch gwefan, yna bydd: Ni fydd Publicize mwyach yn gallu rhannu'ch cofnodion i Facebook. Ar y llaw arall, ni fydd unrhyw beth yn newid os ydych yn cadw Facebook %1$sPage%2$s wedi'i gysylltu â'ch gwefan - - dylai eich holl gynnwys ymddangos yn uniongyrchol ar Facebook trwy Publicize. (Ddim yn siŵr beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng Tudalen a Phrofil? Dyma esboniad %3$sFacebook%4$s.) Gallwch chi adolygu a newid eich gosodiadau rhannu cymdeithasol trwy fynd i %1$sFy Ngwefan(au) → Rhannu%2$s.

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translators: %1$s and %2$s: wraps the word "Profile" for emphasis, %3$s and %4$s: wraps content with link to Facebook help page
Date added:
2018-12-06 16:19:35 GMT
Translated by:
Rhoslyn Prys (gwgan)
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