Translations of Original 89519 in Academica

Prio Locale Original string Translation
af The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Afrikaans (af)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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am The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Amharic (am)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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ar The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Arabic (ar)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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as The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Assamese (as)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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ast The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Asturian (ast)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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az The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Xüsusi mühtəviyyat bölməsi, ön səhifə mühtəviyyat sahəsindəki ilk yazının üstündə görünür. Details
Azerbaijani (az)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Xüsusi mühtəviyyat bölməsi, ön səhifə mühtəviyyat sahəsindəki ilk yazının üstündə görünür.

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bal The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Catalan (Balear) (bal)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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bel The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Belarusian (bel)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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bg The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Bulgarian (bg)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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bn The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Bengali (bn)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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bo The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tibetan (bo)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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br The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Breton (br)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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bs The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Sekcija za istaknuti sadržaj prikazuje se na naslovnoj stranici iznad prvog članka. Details
Bosnian (bs)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Sekcija za istaknuti sadržaj prikazuje se na naslovnoj stranici iznad prvog članka.

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ca The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Catalan (ca)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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ckb The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kurdish (Sorani) (ckb)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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cs The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Czech (cs)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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cv The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Ятарлă контент пайĕ ум страницăра, контент лаптăкĕнчи пĕрремĕш публикаци çийĕнче тухса тăрать. Details
Chuvash (cv)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Ятарлă контент пайĕ ум страницăра, контент лаптăкĕнчи пĕрремĕш публикаци çийĕнче тухса тăрать.

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cy The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Welsh (cy)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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da The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Danish (da)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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de The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Der Bereich hervorgehobener Inhalt wird auf der Startseite über dem ersten Beitrag im Inhaltsbereich angezeigt. Details
German (de)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Der Bereich hervorgehobener Inhalt wird auf der Startseite über dem ersten Beitrag im Inhaltsbereich angezeigt.

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el The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Greek (el)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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el-po The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Polytonic Greek (el-po)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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en-gb (en-gb-test) The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Test (en-gb)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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eo The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Esperanto (eo)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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es The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. La sección de contenido destacado se muestra en la página inicial, sobre la primera entrada en el área de contenido. Details
Spanish (es)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

La sección de contenido destacado se muestra en la página inicial, sobre la primera entrada en el área de contenido.

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es-cl The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Spanish (Chile) (es-cl)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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es-pr The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Spanish (Puerto Rico) (es-pr)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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et The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Estonian (et)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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eu The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Basque (eu)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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fa The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. قسمت محتوای برجسته در صفحه اول بالای اولین نوشته نمایش داده می‌شود. Details
Persian (fa)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

قسمت محتوای برجسته در صفحه اول بالای اولین نوشته نمایش داده می‌شود.

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fi The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Finnish (fi)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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fo The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Faroese (fo)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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fr The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. La partie de contenu présentée s'affiche sur la page d'accueil au-dessus du premier article dans la zone de contenu. Details
French (fr)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

La partie de contenu présentée s'affiche sur la page d'accueil au-dessus du premier article dans la zone de contenu.

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fr-be The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
French (Belgium) (fr-be)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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fr-ca The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. La partie de contenu présentée s’affiche sur la page d’accueil au-dessus du premier article dans la zone de contenu. Details
French (Canada) (fr-ca)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

La partie de contenu présentée s’affiche sur la page d’accueil au-dessus du premier article dans la zone de contenu.

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fr-ch The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
French (Switzerland) (fr-ch)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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ga The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Irish (ga)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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gd The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Scottish Gaelic (gd)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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gl The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Galician (gl)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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gu The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Gujarati (gu)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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he The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. מקטע התוכן המומלץ מוצג בדף הראשי מעל לפוסט הראשון שבאזור התוכן. Details
Hebrew (he)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

מקטע התוכן המומלץ מוצג בדף הראשי מעל לפוסט הראשון שבאזור התוכן.

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hi The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Hindi (hi)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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hr The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Croatian (hr)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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hu The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Hungarian (hu)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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hy The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Armenian (hy)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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id The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Indonesian (id)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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is The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Svæði fyrir áhersluefni er birt á forsíðu fyrir ofan fyrstu færsluna á efnissvæðinu. Details
Icelandic (is)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Svæði fyrir áhersluefni er birt á forsíðu fyrir ofan fyrstu færsluna á efnissvæðinu.

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it The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. La sezione contenuto in evidenza è mostrata nella pagina iniziale sopra il primo articolo nell'area del contenuto. Details
Italian (it)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

La sezione contenuto in evidenza è mostrata nella pagina iniziale sopra il primo articolo nell'area del contenuto.

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ja The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. おすすめコンテンツセクションは、フロントページの最新投稿の上部に表示されます。 Details
Japanese (ja)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.


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ka The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Georgian (ka)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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kir The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kirghiz (kir)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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kk The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kazakh (kk)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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km The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Khmer (km)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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kmr The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kurdish (Kurmanji) (kmr)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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kn The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kannada (kn)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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ko The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Korean (ko)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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lo The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Lao (lo)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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lt The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Siūlomo turinio blokas rodomas pradiniame puslapyje virš pačio pirmo įrašo. Details
Lithuanian (lt)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Siūlomo turinio blokas rodomas pradiniame puslapyje virš pačio pirmo įrašo.

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lv The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Latvian (lv)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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me The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Montenegrin (me)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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mhr The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mari (Meadow) (mhr)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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mk The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Macedonian (mk)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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ml The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Malayalam (ml)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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mn The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mongolian (mn)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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mr The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Marathi (mr)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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mrj The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mari (Hill) (mrj)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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ms The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Malay (ms)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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mwl The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Mirandese (mwl)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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mya The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Burmese (mya)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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ne The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Nepali (ne)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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nl The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Het gedeelte met uitgelichte inhoud wordt op de voorpagina boven het eerste bericht in het inhoudgebied weergegeven. Details
Dutch (nl)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Het gedeelte met uitgelichte inhoud wordt op de voorpagina boven het eerste bericht in het inhoudgebied weergegeven.

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nn The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Norwegian Nynorsk (nn)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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no The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Norwegian (bokmål) (no)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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oci The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Occitan (oci)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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pa The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Punjabi (pa)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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pl The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Polish (pl)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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ps The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Pashto (ps)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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pt The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. A secção do conteúdo de destaque exibe na página inicial por cima do primeiro artigo na área de conteúdo. Details
Portuguese (pt)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

A secção do conteúdo de destaque exibe na página inicial por cima do primeiro artigo na área de conteúdo.

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pt-br The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. A seção de conteúdo em destaque é exibida na página inicial acima do primeiro post na área de conteúdo. Details
Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

A seção de conteúdo em destaque é exibida na página inicial acima do primeiro post na área de conteúdo.

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ro The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Secțiune conținut reprezentativ se afișează pe pagina din față deasupra primului articol în zona de conținut. Details
Romanian (ro)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Secțiune conținut reprezentativ se afișează pe pagina din față deasupra primului articol în zona de conținut.

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ru The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Russian (ru)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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rue The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Rusyn (rue)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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rup The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Aromanian (rup)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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sah The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sakha (sah)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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si The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sinhala (si)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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sk The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Slovak (sk)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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skr The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Saraiki (skr)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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sl The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Slovenian (sl)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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snd The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sindhi (snd)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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sq The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Ndarja për lëndë të zgjedhur shfaqet te ballina, sipër postimit të parë te fusha e lëndës. Details
Albanian (sq)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Ndarja për lëndë të zgjedhur shfaqet te ballina, sipër postimit të parë te fusha e lëndës.

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sr The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Секција са истакнутим садржајем се приказује на почетној страници изнад првог чланка у подручју садржаја. Details
Serbian (sr)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Секција са истакнутим садржајем се приказује на почетној страници изнад првог чланка у подручју садржаја.

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su The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sundanese (su)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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sv The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Den utvalda innehållssektionen visas på startsidan över det första inlägget i innehållsområdet. Details
Swedish (sv)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Den utvalda innehållssektionen visas på startsidan över det första inlägget i innehållsområdet.

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ta The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tamil (ta)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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te The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Telugu (te)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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th The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Thai (th)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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tir The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tigrinya (tir)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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tl The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tagalog (tl)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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tlh The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Klingon (tlh)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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tr The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. Öne çıkan içerik bölümü, ön sayfa içerik alanındaki ilk yazının üstünde görüntülenir. Details
Turkish (tr)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

Öne çıkan içerik bölümü, ön sayfa içerik alanındaki ilk yazının üstünde görüntülenir.

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ug The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Uighur (ug)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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uk The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Ukrainian (uk)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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ur The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Urdu (ur)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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vi The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Vietnamese (vi)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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yi The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Yiddish (yi)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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yor The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Yorùbá (yor)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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zh The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chinese (zh)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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zh-cn The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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zh-hk The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chinese (Hong Kong) (zh-hk)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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zh-sg The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chinese (Singapore) (zh-sg)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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zh-tw The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

The featured content section displays on the front page above the first post in the content area.

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with warnings