Translation of Chinese (Singapore) Glossary

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This site operates an ads program in partnership with third-party vendors who help place ads. Advertising cookies enable these ads partners to serve ads, to personalize those ads based on information like visits to this site and other sites on the internet, and to understand how users engage with those ads. Cookies collect certain information as part of the ads program, and we provide the following categories of information to third-party advertising partners: online identifiers and internet or other network or device activity (such as unique identifiers, cookie information, and IP address), and geolocation data (approximate location information from your IP address). This type of sharing with ads partners may be considered a "sale" of personal information under your state’s privacy laws. 此站点与帮助投放广告的第三方供应商合作运营广告计划。 这些广告合作伙伴通过广告 cookies 投放广告、根据访问本站点和互联网上的其他站点等信息个性化这些广告,并了解用户如何与这些广告交互。 Cookies 收集某些信息作为广告计划的一部分,我们向第三方广告合作伙伴提供以下信息类别:在线标识符和互联网或其他网络或设备动态(如唯一标识符、Cookie 信息和 IP 地址)以及地理位置数据(来自 IP 地址的大致位置信息)。 根据您所在州的隐私法律,这种与广告合作伙伴共享信息的类型可能被视作“出售”个人信息。 Details

This site operates an ads program in partnership with third-party vendors who help place ads. Advertising cookies enable these ads partners to serve ads, to personalize those ads based on information like visits to this site and other sites on the internet, and to understand how users engage with those ads. Cookies collect certain information as part of the ads program, and we provide the following categories of information to third-party advertising partners: online identifiers and internet or other network or device activity (such as unique identifiers, cookie information, and IP address), and geolocation data (approximate location information from your IP address). This type of sharing with ads partners may be considered a "sale" of personal information under your state’s privacy laws.

This site operates an ads program in partnership with third-party vendors who help place ads. Advertising cookies enable these ads partners to serve ads, to personalize those ads based on information like visits to this site and other sites on the internet, and to understand how users engage with those ads. Cookies collect certain information as part of the ads program, and we provide the following categories of information to third-party advertising partners: online identifiers and internet or other network or device activity (such as unique identifiers, cookie information, and IP address), and geolocation data (approximate location information from your IP address). This type of sharing with ads partners may be considered a "sale" of personal information under your state’s privacy laws.

此站点与帮助投放广告的第三方供应商合作运营广告计划。 这些广告合作伙伴通过广告 cookies 投放广告、根据访问本站点和互联网上的其他站点等信息个性化这些广告,并了解用户如何与这些广告交互。 Cookies 收集某些信息作为广告计划的一部分,我们向第三方广告合作伙伴提供以下信息类别:在线标识符和互联网或其他网络或设备动态(如唯一标识符、Cookie 信息和 IP 地址)以及地理位置数据(来自 IP 地址的大致位置信息)。 根据您所在州的隐私法律,这种与广告合作伙伴共享信息的类型可能被视作“出售”个人信息。

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