Translation of Catalan Glossary

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⚠ There's one order pending sync from the posts table to the orders table. The feature shouldn't be disabled until this order is synchronized.
  • ⚠ Hi ha una comanda pendent de sincronitzar des de la taula d'entrades a la taula de comandes. La característica no s'hauria de desactivar fins que no se sincronitzi aquesta comanda.
  • ⚠ Hi ha %%1$d comandes pendents de sincronitzar des de la taula d'entrades a la taula de comandes. La característica no s'hauria de desactivar fins que no se sincronitzin aquestes comandes.

Singular: ⚠ There's one order pending sync from the posts table to the orders table. The feature shouldn't be disabled until this order is synchronized.

⚠ There's one order pending sync from the posts table to the orders table. The feature shouldn't be disabled until this order is synchronized.

⚠ Hi ha una comanda pendent de sincronitzar des de la taula d'entrades a la taula de comandes. La característica no s'hauria de desactivar fins que no se sincronitzi aquesta comanda.

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Plural: ⚠ There are %1$d orders pending sync from the posts table to the orders table. The feature shouldn't be disabled until these orders are synchronized.

⚠ There are %1$d orders pending sync from the posts table to the orders table. The feature shouldn't be disabled until these orders are synchronized.

Warning: Missing %1$d placeholder in translation.
⚠ Hi ha %%1$d comandes pendents de sincronitzar des de la taula d'entrades a la taula de comandes. La característica no s'hauria de desactivar fins que no se sincronitzin aquestes comandes.

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