Translation of Chinese (Hong Kong) Glossary

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{{notice}}We couldn't get the lock status of your domain from your current registrar.{{/notice}} If you're sure your domain is unlocked then, you can continue to the next step. If it's not unlocked, then the transfer won't work. {{a}}Here are instructions to make sure your domain is unlocked.{{/a}} {{notice}}我們無法透過你目前的註冊機構取得你的網域鎖定狀態。{{/notice}}如果你確定自己的網域已解除鎖定,即可繼續進行下一步驟。如果網域並未解除鎖定,轉移作業將無法進行。{{a}}請透過這裡的說明確認你的網域是否已解除鎖定。{{/a}} Details

{{notice}}We couldn't get the lock status of your domain from your current registrar.{{/notice}} If you're sure your domain is unlocked then, you can continue to the next step. If it's not unlocked, then the transfer won't work. {{a}}Here are instructions to make sure your domain is unlocked.{{/a}}

{{notice}}We couldn't get the lock status of your domain from your current registrar.{{/notice}} If you're sure your domain is unlocked then, you can continue to the next step. If it's not unlocked, then the transfer won't work. {{a}}Here are instructions to make sure your domain is unlocked.{{/a}}


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{{notice}}We couldn't get the lock status of your domain from your current registrar.{{/notice}} If you're sure your domain is unlocked then, you can continue to the next step. If it's not unlocked, then the transfer won't work. {{a}}Here are instructions to make sure your domain is unlocked.{{/a}} {{notice}}我們無法透過你目前的註冊機構取得你的網域鎖定狀態。{{/notice}}如果你確定自己的網域已解除鎖定,即可繼續進行下一步驟。如果網域並未解除鎖定,轉移作業將無法進行。{{a}}請透過這裡的說明確認你的網域是否已解除鎖定。{{/a}} Details

{{notice}}We couldn't get the lock status of your domain from your current registrar.{{/notice}} If you're sure your domain is unlocked then, you can continue to the next step. If it's not unlocked, then the transfer won't work. {{a}}Here are instructions to make sure your domain is unlocked.{{/a}}

{{notice}}We couldn't get the lock status of your domain from your current registrar.{{/notice}} If you're sure your domain is unlocked then, you can continue to the next step. If it's not unlocked, then the transfer won't work. {{a}}Here are instructions to make sure your domain is unlocked.{{/a}}


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