WordPress.com/pricing landing page #4636633

Created on 2020-10-13, translation required by 2020-10-18 (1340 days ago.)

Translations Glossary

Original string ar de es fr he id it ja ko nl pt-br ru sv tr zh-cn zh-tw
Sign Up
Install Plugins
.blog Domain
Storage Space
Unlimited Premium Themes
Sign up
for eCommerce
Google Analytics Integration
Track website statistics with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of your website visitors and customers.
Unlimited access to all of our advanced premium theme templates, including templates specifically tailored for businesses.
VideoPress Support
The easiest way to upload videos to your website and display them using a fast, unbranded, customizable player with rich stats.
Customize your selected theme template with extended color schemes, background designs, and complete control over website CSS.
Remove WordPress.com Ads
Allow your visitors to visit and read your website without seeing any WordPress.com advertising.
Remove WordPress.com Branding
Jetpack Essential Features
SEO Tools
Install custom plugins on your site.
Upload custom themes on your site.
Upload Themes
Advanced Social Media
Sell anything with a simple PayPal button.
Simple Payments
Advanced Design Customization
Dozens of Free Themes
Monthly Subscription
billed yearly
Join the platform you won’t outgrow.
{{line1}}Build on the platform that powers{{/line1}} {{line2}}more than %s%% of the internet.{{/line2}}
Email Support
Speed up your site’s performance and protect it from spammers. Access detailed records of all activity on your site. While you’re at it, improve your SEO and automate social media sharing.
Get a free domain for one year. Premium domains not included. Your domain will renew at its regular price.
Free Domain for One Year
Adds tools to enhance your site’s content for better results on search engines and social media.
Keep the focus on your site’s brand by removing the WordPress.com footer branding.
Access to a wide range of professional theme templates for your website so you can find the exact design you’re looking for.
Accept Payments in 60+ Countries
Integrations with Top Shipping Carriers
Unlimited Products or Services
eCommerce Marketing Tools
Premium Customizable Starter Themes
Built-in payment processing from leading providers like Stripe, PayPal, and more. Accept payments from customers all over the world.
Ship physical products in a snap - show live rates from shipping carriers like UPS and other shipping options.
Grow your store as big as you want with the ability to add and sell unlimited products and services.
Optimize your store for sales by adding in email and social integrations with Facebook and Mailchimp, and more.
Quickly get up and running with a beautiful store theme and additional design options that you can easily make your own.
Schedule your social media updates in advance and promote your posts when it’s best for you.
Pay with PayPal
Every WordPress.com plan includes hassle-free updates, reliable hosting, and spam protection.
3 GB
6 GB
13 GB
Site Customization
Marketing and Monetization Tools
Business Class Features
Advanced eCommerce Features
Pick One
There’s a plan for you.
{{line1}}Whether you want to share your ideas, start a business,{{/line1}} {{line2}}or run a store, you can do it all on WordPress.com.{{/line2}}
With increased storage space you’ll be able to upload more images, audio, and documents to your website. On the Premium, Business, and eCommerce plans you can upload videos, too.
Recurring Payments
WordPress.com pricing is simple -- We bundle hosting, domains, privacy, and security into one low price with plans for anyone. Compare plans today!
Compare WordPress.com Pricing and Plans
WordPress.com Pricing – Compare WordPress Plans
200 GB
This certificate from Let’s Encrypt ensures the privacy and safety of all traffic to and from your site.
Pre-Installed SSL Certificate
Accept monthly or annual payments on your website.
Put your site to work and earn through ad revenue.
SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) and Database Access
Tweak your design to match your vision, upload custom themes and plugins directly to your site, and manage your database with phpMyAdmin.
Download a backup of your site, or restore it to its exact state in a specific moment in time.
Automated Backup & One-Click Rewind
Email & Basic Live Chat Support
Get all the help you need to build your site, 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.
24/7 Priority Live Chat Support
Receive faster support from our WordPress experts — weekends included.
Limit content to paying subscribers.
Subscriber Only Content
Need to host multiple sites? Design, build and launch multiple WordPress websites on a managed hosting platform running on the same network as WordPress.com.
Custom domain as default web address
Everyone can register a new domain or map an existing one to their site. Use it as your site’s main address with any paid plan.
Compare WordPress.com pricing and plans
Paid Newsletters
Email premium content to paying subscribers.
Accept one-time, monthly or annual payments on your website.
Unlimited Email Support
Get answers to all of your site questions with email access to expert support.
Basic Live Chat Support
Get all the help you need to build your site, 5 days a week.


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