Implement new “site cannot be accessed” flow #3815855

Created on 2020-06-12, translation required by 2020-06-14 (1449 days ago.)

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Original string ar de es fr he id it ja ko nl pt-br ru sv tr zh-cn zh-tw
I’d like to fix this now
Your site, {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}}, cannot be accessed
Jetpack wasn’t able to connect to {{strong}}%(siteSlug)s{{/strong}}.{{br/}}Let’s figure out why — there are a few things to try.
Confirm that your site loads
Visit your site to make sure it loads properly. If there’s an issue, fix your site before worrying about Jetpack! That may resolve this error.
Troubleshoot Jetpack
If you’re no longer using Jetpack and/or WordPress for your site, or you’ve taken your site down, it’s time to disconnect Jetpack.
Note: You may be seeing this error because you don’t have admin permissions for this site.{{br/}}If you think you should, contact your site administrator.
If your site is loading but you’re still seeing this error, this guide will help you troubleshoot the Jetpack connection.


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