July Flash Sale Emails #6262026

Created on 2021-07-21, translation required by 2021-07-25 (1058 days ago.)

Translations Glossary

Original string ar de es fr he id it ja ko nl pt-br ru sv tr zh-cn zh-tw
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Getting started with %1$s is easy, especially when you know you’re supported by our global team of expert Happiness Engineers. And when you enter the code %2$s at checkout, you’ll get %3$s%% off your very first plan payment.
Let’s do this
Hurry! The code %1$s expires on %2$s.
Ending soon: %d%% off
Let’s supercharge your website 💪
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Get started with %d%% off
The code %1$s expires on %2$s, so don’t delay!
Supercharge your website with this special offer
Let’s supercharge your website
Getting started with %1$s is easy, especially when you know you’re supported by our global team of expert Happiness Engineers. And when you enter the code <strong>%2$s</strong> at checkout, you’ll get %3$s%% off your very first plan payment.
Let’s do this!
Hurry! The code <strong>%1$s</strong> expires on %2$s.
The code <strong>%1$s</strong> expires on %2$s, so don’t delay!


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